"The Devourer of Children"

In European countries, probably, it is already impossible to find a city where there was not even one fountain. And Bern , the capital of Switzerland , is also no exception. There are many fountains in the city and some of them belong to the cycle of the XV-XVI centuries. Tell you about one very interesting.

Fountain "Devourer of Children"

One of the most famous and ancient fountains is the "Devourer of Children" (Kindlefreserbrunen) in Bern . It was built from a tree about five centuries ago on the Kornhausplatz square, and there it remains to this day, albeit in a new form.

In 1545-46, the first reconstruction of the fountain was carried out, which was headed by Hans Ging. A new, already stone fountain with a terrible bright sculpture was called simply "Fountain in the Square" (Platzbrunnen). The name, which came to our days, was received in 1666. And today the fountain is not only a memorable attraction of Switzerland , but also used for its intended purpose.

Who is the "Devourer of Children"?

The described fountain is not just a spontaneous stream of water for the joy of children. This is a large statue in the form of a giant cannibal devouring a naked child. He has a bag in his hands, where there are other children waiting for his turn. On the head of the giant is a pointed hat, because of which a lot of disputes arose soon. Such here in the history of Switzerland there is a pedagogical educational moment.

Legends and tales

In the Middle Ages, just when the first version of the fountain was installed, peaked hats were worn only by Jews who were persecuted at all times. In this and in the eating of children, a certain hint of ritual action was seen.

According to another version, the fountain "Devourer of children" in Bern - interpretation of the idea of ​​the Greek god Chronos, who ate his children sitting on the throne in order to retain power. Although, most likely, it is a mythical figure of a villain or an ogre, who frightened the children of medieval "teachers". The foot of the column in a circle is decorated with a procession of armed bears.

The "Devourer of Children" these days

It is noteworthy, but the ogre-giant densely entered the world of literature with Jacques Szesse's famous novel The Lunatic (L'Ogre), where he played an important role. Already in our time in 2007 it was decided to save the fountain and extend its work. The ogre statue was removed from the pedestal and restored for a long time, all works cost the treasury of the city 500 thousand francs.

Despite the awesome name of the fountain and seemingly unattractive appearance, curiosity takes its toll. Every year thousands of tourists go to the fountain to personally see and photograph the mythological "Devourer of Children" on Bern's town square.

How to get to the terrible fountain?

You can get to Kornhausplatz Square by tram No. 6, 7, 8, 9 or by bus No. M2, M3, M4, 9, 10, 12, M15, 19, 30. Virtually all Bern fountains are clean and drinkable, than residents and tourists sometimes enjoy.