Sugary substitute - harm or benefit in losing weight?

Artificial sweeteners have been invented for a long time, but disputes about this product do not cease even now. Sugary substitute - harm or benefit - this question is increasingly raised by those who want to buy such a product, but do not dare to buy it immediately.

Sugar substitute composition

Xylitol and sorbitol are the basic substances that make up the product that replaces sugar. They do not concede to him on the maintenance of calories, do not spoil a teeth and are acquired more slowly. Aspartame is another sweetener, which is considered more popular. Even considering its low caloric content, it is a full-fledged substitute for sugar. Aspartame does not withstand heat, which is why it is not used in the preparation of sweets.

In addition to the positive qualities, consumers have already managed to note the harm of sweeteners. People who regularly use them can easily and quickly gain extra pounds, while receiving additional health problems. Various diseases arise because of the slow process by which the body processes this product.

The Benefits of Sweeteners

When asked whether a sweetener is useful, you can get a negative answer. It benefits the body only when a person controls and limits the amount of his techniques. What are the advantages:

  1. Does not affect the concentration of sugar, so it is recommended for diabetics.
  2. Protects teeth from tooth decay.
  3. They are inexpensive and suitable for long-term use due to their long shelf life.

What is more harmful - sugar or sugar substitute?

Sometimes an ordinary buyer can think about what is more useful sugar or sugar substitute. In this case, it should be remembered that some synthetic sweeteners are very harmful to health, but there are others made from substances that are beneficial. They are much more useful than sugar, because it provokes a sharp release into the blood of insulin, causing a feeling of hunger . Such fluctuations are extremely unhelpful for a person and therefore, the choice must be approached individually and choose only natural analogs.

Sugary substitute - harm or benefit in losing weight?

Many people prefer to switch to useful sweeteners when losing weight. It is worth remembering that artificial components can lead, on the contrary, to deplorable consequences. In our case, to excess fat accumulation. Modern sugar substitutes are high in calories, and this factor must also be taken into account when choosing them. Natural - are low in calories, and this indicates that they can be chosen by those who struggle with extra pounds.

Erythritol or stevia, for example, has no energy value, does not affect the level of glucose and does not contribute to the appearance of excess weight. At the same time they have a very sweet taste that can satisfy all the needs of sweet tooth and people who prefer sweet tea, coffee or any sweet drinks and dishes.

Sugary substitute - harm or benefit in diabetes?

There is a large assortment of such products on the market, therefore, before buying, we often think about whether the sweetener is harmful. They are divided into two categories - natural and artificial. In small doses, the former are recommended for diabetics. Fructose, sorbitol, stevioside and xylitol are caloric substitutes from natural components that affect glucose levels and are absorbed more slowly.

In addition to stevioside, all the others are less sweet than sugar and this must also be taken into account before consumption. 30-50 g is a daily allowance that does not harm people suffering from diabetes. They can recommend other, synthetic options that do not stay in the body.

What is harmful sugar substitute?

Answering the question whether a sweetener is harmful to a healthy person, it is worth noting that in large doses it is not recommended to use it to anyone. All because each sweetener adversely affects the overall health, provoking the emergence and development of serious diseases. Regardless of which sugar substitute was chosen, harm or benefit will still be felt. If the benefit is regulation of blood sugar concentration, then the negative consequences can be different.

  1. Aspartame - often causes headache, allergies, depression; causes insomnia, dizziness; disturbs digestion and improves appetite.
  2. Saccharin - provokes the formation of malignant tumors.
  3. Sorbitol and xylitol are laxative and choleretic products. The only advantage over the others - they do not spoil the tooth enamel.
  4. Suclamate - often causes an allergic reaction.