How to start running from scratch for losing weight?

Many people do not think much about how to start running from scratch to lose weight, but just one fine morning or evening they go out and run to exhaustion until they fall. As a result of excitement, they are noticeably reduced, and their muscles ache so that it is impossible to walk. Of course, the mastery of a new skill should be approached with the mind and accustom the body to the load gradually.

How to start running from scratch?

First of all, to equip, although, as practice shows, you can choose any clothes, if only it does not impede the movement, but shoes must be special - sneakers . Secondly, you do not need to strive to outdo yourself the very first day. This is especially true for those who want to know how to start running from scratch to fat. The body must adapt to new sensations for it, and this takes time. Each time muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and bones become stronger and stronger, the possibilities of the respiratory system increase, and along with it the rhythm, speed and duration of running improve, and hence the effectiveness of losing weight.

Therefore, beginners are recommended to run no more than 30 minutes a day, while periods of intense running should be combined with walking and cooling running. For example, a minute to run fast, take a minute to walk and 5 minutes to run at a slow pace. So you can train as long as you want, until you get the feeling that the load can be increased. This applies to the duration of the whole workout and the periods of fast running. It is very important to give the body time to recover and rest, and this means that you should run after one or two days.

The best time of day

Many of those who want to know how to start running from scratch to a girl, doubt the ideal time of day for such lessons. Someone prefers to do this in the evenings, and someone bows to the early morning. It is necessary to say that morning is more suitable for more effective fat burning , since it is at this time that the body consumes carbohydrates that accumulated over the previous day. However, hypotension can experience weakness, nausea and dizziness, going on a run before breakfast, so this dilemma everyone decides for himself.

And for those who want to know how to start running in the morning from scratch, and for everyone else it is recommended to watch the breath, take two breaths, and the third exhale. Do not eat an hour before training and choose to study places away from motorways and industrial plants.