The Benefits of Green Tea

In China, green tea has been consumed for many centuries. It is used in traditional tea ceremonies. Green tea is obtained by evaporating moisture from the collected tea leaves. Thanks to this treatment, both the color and the composition of the tea leaves correspond to the original natural product as much as possible. Moreover, the useful properties of tea become even greater.

Composition of green tea

Green tea is very valuable for a person. This is due to the abundance of elements in its chemical composition. The composition of green tea includes such powerful antioxidants as tannin and kahetin. Also in green tea there are 17 amino acids , vitamins of group B, A, E, K and P. By the way, the content of vitamin P is 10 times higher than its quantity in black tea. Green tea is rich in microelements, such as copper, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, iodine, zinc and many others.

The Benefits of Green Tea for the Body

Green tea enhances immunity, overcomes microbes and viruses, prevents the development of cancer, strengthens the nervous system, beneficially affects the cardiac and vascular systems and perfectly tones. The use of green tea, for example, with jasmine, is that it calms well and leads a person to a more spiritual state. Components of green tea can even withstand radiation. A special benefit of this drink is noted for problems with the thyroid gland. A high concentration of fluorine contributes to the fight against periodontal disease, caries and other diseases of the oral cavity. Green tea is used to combat hypertension and atherosclerosis. It also acts as a remedy for the prevention of eye diseases. This drink is also beneficial for diseases of the stomach, such as colitis, dysbacteriosis, and food poisoning. Green tea normalizes metabolism, lowers the level of sugar, prevents the development of diabetes.

Daily consumption of green tea in moderate amounts will recharge vivacity and increase mental activity. The benefits of green tea for women is that with the regular use of this drink the risk of oncology of the breast in women decreases by as much as 90%.

The Benefits of Green Tea with Losing Weight

Diet with the help of green tea does not provide for refusing to eat or changing the usual diet. It is enough to replace all drinks with green tea without sugar and it can be guaranteed to lose up to 5 kilograms in just 1 month. Weight loss is due to accelerated metabolism. Thanks to a mild diuretic property, an excess liquid comes out of the body, taking with it unnecessary kilograms. The benefit of green tea with milk is that its diuretic effect is amplified several times more. This combination, though unaccustomed to taste, but it is an excellent prevention of swelling of the legs. Scientists have proved that with 4 cups of green tea a day, the amount of fat burned increases by 45%. Thanks to the ability of this drink to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, it suppresses the feeling of hunger. If half an hour before a meal to drink a cup of green tea, the appetite with food will not be so strong.

The Benefits of Green Tea with Honey

Honey with green tea prevents the occurrence of viral diseases, improves the activity of the heart. This drink will contain amino acids, vitamins , pigments, essential oils, alkaloids and tannins. It is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

The benefits of green tea with lemon

Green tea with the addition of lemon has not just a wonderful taste and a tonic effect, it absorbs all the vitamins inherent in separately green tea and lemon. Such a drink will cheer up and improve immunity. It will prevent the atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma, liver and kidney diseases.