Time travel is truth or fiction?

Everyone would have dreamed of getting into the past for a moment and correcting some mistake in it, or making a move into the future to find out how life was formed. Travel in time is a favorite method of many filmmakers and science fiction writers. There are scientists who say that this is possible in reality.

What is time travel?

This is the transition of a person or any objects from a given moment into a segment of the future or in the past. Since the opening of the black holes, a little time has passed, and if at first the discoverer Einstein seemed to them to be something unreal, then later astrophysicists of the whole world began to study them. The philosophy of time travel stirred the minds of many scientists - K. Thorne, M. Morris, Van Stokum, S. Hawking, etc. They complement and refute theories of each other and can not reach a consensus on this issue.

Paradox of moving in time

Against a journey to a distant or near past are such arguments:

  1. Violation of the relationship between cause and effect.
  2. "Paradox of the Murdered Grandfather." If you make a trip to the past , the grandson will kill his grandfather, then he will not be born. And if his birth does not happen, then someone will kill the grandfather in the future?
  3. The possibility of time travel remains a dream, since the time machine has not yet been created. If it were, then today would be visitors from the future.

Time Travel - esoterics

Time is seen as a process of moving consciousness in a three-dimensional space. The sense organs of man are able to perceive only four-dimensional space, but it is part of multidimensionality, where there is no connection between cause and effect. There are no generally accepted concepts of distance, time and mass. In the Event Field, the moments of the past, present and future are intermixed and any material, astral and metamorphic masses are instantly changed.

Through the astral travel in time is real. Consciousness can go beyond the physical shell, moving and overcoming the laws of the universe. S. Grof suggests that a person can be guided by his consciousness and mentally implement a journey through space and time. At the same time violating the laws of physics and acting as such a natural time machine.

Time travel is truth or fiction?

In the "Newtonian universe" with its uniform and rectilinear time, this would be unrealistic, but Einstein proved that time in different places of the universe is different, and can be accelerated and decelerated. When the time reaches a speed close to the speed of light, it slows down. From a scientific point of view, in time travel is real, but only in the future. And there are several such ways of moving.

Is it possible to travel in time?

If you follow the theory of relativity, then moving at a speed close to the speed of light, you can bypass the natural flow of time and make a move into the future. It is significantly accelerated compared to those who do not travel and remain motionless. This confirms the "paradox of twins". It consists in the difference in the speed of the passage of time for a brother who went to space flight and his brother who remained on Earth. The movement in time will consist in the fact that the hours of the traveler will lag behind.

According to scientists, black holes are tunnels of time and finding near the horizon of their events, that is, in the area of ​​extremely high gravity provides the ability to achieve the speed of light and make a movement in time. But there is a simpler and easier way - to stop the metabolism of the body, that is, to conserve at minus temperatures, and then wake up and recover.

Time travel - how to accomplish?

1. Through wormholes. "Wormholes", as they are also called, are some tunnels that are part of the General Theory of Relativity. They connect two places in space. They are the consequence of the "work" of exotic matter, which has a negative energy density. It can twist space and time and create the prerequisites for the emergence of these very wormholes, a warp engine that allows you to travel at a speed exceeding the speed of light and time machines .

2. Through the Tyler cylinder. This is a hypothetical object, which is the result of solving the Einstein equation. If this cylinder has an infinite length, then by rotation around it, it is possible to move in time and space - into the past. Later, scientist S. Hawking suggested that this would require exotic matter.

3. The methods of traveling in time include moving with the help of the giant size of cosmic strings formed during the Big Bang. If they sweep very near each other, then the spatial and temporal indicators are distorted. As a result, a nearby spacecraft can get into pieces of the past or the future.

Technique of moving in time

You can travel physically, or astrally. The first way of moving is available to the selected ones, who know the knowledge of druids, ferritts, etc. With the help of the oldest spells calling for the Mists Kalena, which modern scientists called the "Cloud of Time", one can get to moments of the past or the future, but this requires a lot of training, body, do not break harmony with nature.

Movement in time with the help of magic is subject to clairvoyant psychics. They use the method of astral travel - viewing the ray. Through special techniques and rituals, they make a journey into the past in a dream, changing events as they need to. When they wake up, they discover real changes in the present, which are a consequence of the time of travel. This can be achieved if we develop imaginative thinking, be able to influence objects by the power of thought, for example, move objects, treat people, accelerate the growth of plants, etc.

Evidence of Time Travel

Unfortunately, there is no real evidence of such displacements, and all the stories told by contemporaries or who lived earlier can not be confirmed. The only thing that has something to do with the topic is the Large Andron Collider. There is an opinion that there is a time machine at a depth of 175 meters under the ground. In the "ring" of the accelerator, a speed approximated to the speed of light is generated, and this creates the prerequisites for the formation of black holes and movement at moments of the past or future.

With the discovery in 2012 of the Higgs boson, real time travels ceased to seem like a fairy tale. In the future it is planned to allocate such a particle as the Higgs singlet, which can neutralize the links between cause and effect and move in any direction - both in the moments of the past and the future. This is the task of the LHC, and it is not opposed to the laws of physics.

Time Travel - Facts

There are many photographs, historical notes and other data confirming the reality of such episodes. The cases of time travel include a single story, the proof of which is the calendar of 1955, found on the runway in Caracas, Venezuela in 1992. Eyewitnesses of those events claim that the airport then landed a DC-4 aircraft, which disappeared in 1955. When the pilot of the ill-fated flight heard on the radio, in which year they got, he decided to take off, leaving a small calendar for memory.

Many of the photographs that are considered evidence of temporary displacements have long been disproved. Some of the most widely known photos actually have nothing to do with the fact of moving through time. We will consider a photo depicting a man dressed, allegedly, out of fashion of that time (1941), in stylish sunglasses and a camera in his hands reminiscent of the famous Polaroid.


  1. Such cameras were produced in the 1920s.
  2. The model of glasses was also already quite popular in those times, as evidenced by some footage from the film of that time.
  3. Clothes very much reminds a jersey of hockey command Montreal Maroons 1930х-40х years.

Best movies about time travel

At one time, boom in the domestic cinema produced such pictures as "Kin-Dza-Dza", "We are from the future", "The butterfly effect". The syndrome of moving through time is a genetic disease of the protagonist in the film "The Time Traveler's Wife". Of the foreign paintings can be noted "Groundhog Day", "Harry Poter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." Movies about time travel include "Lost", "Terminator", "Kate and Leo."