God of Time

Long ago people believed that time is ruled by the gods, so they revered them and regularly sacrificed to them. Each nation had its own specific deity.

The Egyptian God of Time

He was ruling not only time but also the moon, writing and science. The sacred animals for Thoth were the ibis and the baboon. That is why this deity was depicted as a person, but with the ibis head. In his hands he could have papyrus and other writing objects. The Egyptians believed that at the appearance of Thoth, the Nile was flooded. The first month in the calendar was dedicated to this god of time. He was considered the patron of longevity , inheritance, measure and weight.

God of time with the Slavs

Chernobog was the ruler of Navi. The Slavs considered him the creator of the world. This god of time was represented in two forms. He could appear in the image of a hunched old man with a long beard. He stood out with his silver mustache and a crooked stick in his hands. They depicted Chernobog as a thin middle-aged man in black robes with silver mustaches. This Slavic god can change the flow of time. In his power was to stop him, accelerate or turn back. He can apply his abilities , both to the whole earth, and to a particular person.

The Greek God of Time

Kronos or Chronos is the father of Zeus. He has the ability to control time. According to the myths of Kronos rules in space and during this time people lived happily and did not need anything. In numerous sources, the god of time in Greek mythology is depicted as a snake, and the head could have the appearance of different beasts. More recent paintings represented Kronos in the form of a man of age with an hourglass or a scythe.

God of time with the Romans

Saturn was originally considered a peasant god, but after the Romans began to consider him the ruler of the time. He represents a gloomy and lame man who is constantly on the lookout. Its main attribute is the compass, by which it measures time.