Mushroom sauce from champignons

Any tasty dish is doubly tasty if it is served with some original sauce. And if this sauce is from champignons, then it does not hurt to immediately prepare a double portion. Mushroom sauce fits almost any food. A wonderful pasta with mushroom sauce, any vegetables, meat, fish.

Preparation of mushroom sauce from champignons

The technology of cooking any kind of mushroom sauces is basically similar. You should follow some rules, and the sauce will always turn out to be homogeneous, fragrant and tasty.

How to make sauce from champignons?

Sauce from champignons with sour cream



We clear the mushrooms from the upper film, garbage and rinse. Thin shred and put in boiling broth to cook until ready. Usually it takes no more than half an hour.

Melt the butter in a pan and fry the leeks in it until light golden. After that, we add flour here, and stirring, we also give it a golden hue.

By slightly pour boiling broth to onions and flour and, intensively rubbing lumps, we obtain a homogeneous dense mass. We turn off the gas.

Add to this mass of sour cream, stir and pour everything into the broth to the mushrooms. Solim, pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes. Sour cream sauce is ready. Now you can add to it a couple drops of lemon juice and chopped herbs.

Creamy sauce from champignons

You can use cream instead of sour cream. Sauce from champignons with cream has a more delicate taste, without sourness, which gives sour cream sauce. You can also slightly change the cooking technology.



Champignons are prepared as in the first recipe and fry them in butter on a moderate fire. When the mushrooms are almost ready, add finely chopped onions. A little more fry all together.

Then add the flour, mix it well with the mushrooms, and dilute the whole mass with cream, pouring them in a thin trickle and stirring intensively.

We bring to a boil, salt, pepper and on a tiny fire cook for fifteen minutes under the lid. Creamy mushroom sauce from champignons is served with pasta, meat, boiled vegetables.

White mushroom sauce from champignons

Good white sauces from champignons. This recipe is very much combined with boiled fish. Prepare it on the basis of white fish sauce.



White fish sauce is prepared by adding fish broth to the toast in the butter. In this sauce, cooled to room temperature, you need to add yolks, butter, and slowly heat, stirring, so that the yolks do not curl. Then add very finely chopped mushrooms, cancer cervix and evaporate until done. At the very end, add lemon juice to taste.

We hope that all sauces from mushrooms, the recipes of which we have presented, you will like, and you will diversify your table with these sauces.