Hematite - magical properties

Hematite is a stone with an unusual property - it makes the water red during polishing. It is because of this that a different name is spread among the people - the "blood". Well-known is the information on the magnetic properties of hematite. An unusual mineral is associated with a large number of legends.

Information that has to do with the action of the stone is quite contradictory. For example, in ancient times people believed that the mineral protects the spirits, then on the contrary, they talked about attracting the negative. In general, there is information that the properties of this stone depend on exactly what form it has.

Magical properties of hematite

Psychics say that to activate the properties, the stone should be sent to copper, bronze or brass. Hematite helps to become a happy person, so it can be tried on in critical situations. Mineral improves intuition, memory and attention. It is important that hematite will not help evil and insincere people. A pendant from this mineral teaches a person to listen to their own voice.

Healing and magic properties of hematite stone

The main effect of the mineral is its effect on the hemoglobin of the blood. It improves the quality of blood cells and the work of the bone marrow. It is recommended to use it in the presence of blood diseases, wounds and other injuries. The positive properties of the bracelet from hematite can be seen in vascular disorders and primarily under reduced pressure. Only it is important to consider that it is not recommended to wear it constantly. The mineral has the ability to activate oxygen exchange and helps it to rejuvenate the blood. It is also worth mentioning about the ability stone normalize the hormonal background and the work of the nervous system.

Who are the properties of hematite stone?

Numerologists assure that the mineral will become an excellent talisman for people born on the 9th, 18th and 27th. Hematite is a guardian of warriors, so it is recommended to wear it to men. He activates in them such qualities as courage, courage, etc. For women, a stone can be used to advance the career ladder, and it will also help in training. Caution is to treat the mineral to weak people, because its energy will help to realize thoughts and desires, including bad ones.

Hematite stone properties for zodiac signs

Mineral is recommended for Aries, Cancers and Scorpions . Astrologers categorically forbid carrying hematite to Pisces, Virgins and Gemini.