Monthly failure

Perhaps, every woman in her life faced with such a phenomenon as a cycle failure, in which the monthly do not arrive on time. The reasons for the occurrence of such a violation are many. Therefore, it is by no means always possible to independently determine the one that led to the crash.

What are the causes of the onset of a malfunction in the period of menstruation?

The main reasons for the development of this violation are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance . Perhaps the most common cause of menstrual irregularity. So, quite often a monthly malfunction can be observed, for example, after a long reception of contraceptives, which in their composition contain hormones. To change the hormonal background can lead and gynecological diseases, overexertion, frequent stress.
  2. Strong weight loss or, on the contrary, obesity, can also have an effect on the cycle. Quite often, when finding out the reason for a month's failure, the woman tells the doctor that she is dieting, although she does not warm up that this can be the reason for this violation.
  3. Acclimatization is also a cause of violation of the period of menstruation. So a sharp change in climatic conditions often reflects on the state of the hormonal background of a woman. That is why, when you travel in summer to warm countries and there is a malfunction of monthly.
  4. The pathology of the organs of the reproductive system is mostly reflected in the cycle. Thus, cervical diseases, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, polyps and cysts can lead to itself.
  5. The pregnancy may also lead to a change in the period of menstruation, more precisely, to their delay. Therefore, when it appears, it is not superfluous to make a pregnancy test.

What else can cause a cycle failure?

Many women note the failure of the menstrual cycle after 40 years, the main reason of which is the change in the hormonal background. This is due, above all, with the onset of the climacteric period.

Also it is necessary to say that the failure of monthly can be observed after the "first" time, i.e. after the loss of virginity. This is normal, not requiring medical intervention. The cycle itself is restored, literally within 1-2 months.

Quite often the failure of monthly is observed after a long reception of antibiotics. In such cases, changes in the microflora of the vagina lead to the development of the disorder.