How to get rid of post-acne?

About what is post-acne on the face, knows many girls and women. After all, many of those who finally got rid of inflammation and acne on the face, "reap the fruits" of improper skin care and unskilled acne treatment. The consequences of this - scars, irregularities, dilated pores, redness, pigmentation spots, which are post-symptomatic symptoms.

Treatment of post acne in the home

Having such defects on the face, a woman can not feel completely comfortable, and the question of how to get rid of post-acne is put forward. Most often, with independent treatment postakne resort to the help of various store and pharmacy medical and cosmetology. However, you should know that, no matter how manufacturers assure, it will not be possible to quickly get rid of post-acne, especially with a severe, neglected form. It is necessary to tune in to a long process and deal with the problem on a daily basis.

In addition to the products produced by industry (scrubs, lotions, creams, masks), you can use folk remedies as well. We list the most common of them:

Treatment of post acne in a cosmetologist

If treatment at home has no effect, you can seek help from a cosmetologist. As a rule, you can remove the post-acne in the clinic using a set of procedures, which can include the following methods:

Another method, which should be highlighted separately, is laser post-acne correction . With the help of the laser, you can get rid of scars, hyperpigmentation, align the skin's relief. This device allows you to accurately affect the affected area of ​​the skin, without affecting the healthy skin.