
Wrong acne treatment leads to repeated infection, and then to a difficult healing of the skin. As a result, there are scars, patches and irregularities, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. This is post-practice.

How to remove post-acne?

Depending on the severity of the acne, a few forms of post-acne are distinguished:

  1. Light form - small areas of skin of heterogeneous tone, dark spots, light irregularities.
  2. Medium -large areas of skin with darkening, shallow scars and irregularities, enlarged pores.
  3. Severe form - deep scars, tubercles, pigmented spots, keloid, atrophic and hypertrophic scars, marked enlargement of the pores.

To get rid of a mild post-acne, it is enough to regularly apply the bleaching and leveling skin tone of the cream and mask, and also to hold several sessions of shallow peeling. And here's how to deal with the post-acne of heavier forms?

To restore the skin aesthetic and healthy appearance, one cream from post-acne does not help. We need complex therapy, which includes long courses of deep peeling and skin-restoring ointments, injections and masks. When this is not enough, cosmetologists recommend laser treatment post - acne - polishing the skin with a laser device. Various nozzles of modern lasers can also eliminate pigmented spots. Sandblasting microdermabrasion is also often used in the treatment of severe post-acne.

Treatment of post acne at home

Treatment of postpartum at home is possible only after careful analysis and establishing the degree of skin damage. It is worth noting that the severe form of this disease can not be treated at home. Removal of postakne in such cases is better to entrust to specialists.

How to treat post-acne home, armed with information and a set of medicines? Here are some useful tips:

  1. To get rid of tubercles that contain infiltration, it is necessary, wiping the steamed skin with antiseptic, and gently squeeze the contents with clean hands. After treating the wound with alcohol or antibacterial agent.
  2. Small irregularities, black dots and small spots can be removed with a gentle but effective chemical peel. As an active substance you can take calcium chloride. Peeling should be done for 6 weeks once a week.
  3. Align the color and relief of the skin will help the mask from postakne with the addition of gels that have substances to enhance blood circulation (troksivazin, lyoton).


Many cosmetic manufacturers include in the line for problem skin remedies for post-acne. These are scrubs and masks that have restorative properties, containing vitamin and mineral complexes. They allow not only to return the skin an even color, but also trigger regenerative processes on the affected areas of the face. And if cosmetic creams do not help?

You can resort to drugs, of course, consulting with a dermatologist. These include ointments and gels: Achromin, Traumeel, Darsonval. But the best remedy for post-acne is sintomycin ointment. It is based on an antibiotic "enriched" with substances that accelerate metabolic processes in cells. They contribute to the rapid healing of scars, as well as the complete disappearance of spots. After all, one of the most unpleasant manifestations of post-acne - red spots - is harder to remove than some scars and scars.

Without any fear and side effects you can use kefir lotions, tomato masks, compresses from ground oatmeal. All these products make it possible to facilitate treatment and forget about unpleasant sensations after long cleaning procedures.