Chrysalidocarpus - home care

In Madagascar, home to the chrysolide carp, there are about 20 species of this palm tree. For the cultivation of the same at home, only one species is suitable: the chrysolide carpus is yellowish or golden, called so because of the yellow staining of the stems. The normal color of the leaves should be bright green, juicy. Multiple shoots, starting directly from the rhizome, make the plant lush and beautiful. Its height reaches 1.5-2 m. Despite exotic origin, caring for chrysolide carp at home is quite simple, despite the diseases and pests to which it can be exposed.

How to care for a chrysolide carp?

It is best to mark a tub with a palm tree with a chrysolide carp in a bright room, in the windows of which the sun shines most of the day. In summer, the hours of the greatest solar activity will need to pritenyat plant. The optimal temperature regime for the palm content is 18-21 ° C, in summer it is possible to increase the temperature by a couple of degrees.

Along with good lighting, the plant also requires an influx of fresh air. For this purpose, an open window or window in the ventilation mode is sufficient. It is important to protect the palm from drafts and not put it in close proximity to an open window, otherwise it can lead to its supercooling.

The main thing in caring for a chrysolide carp is, of course, watering. The plant is extremely demanding on the quality of water - it is better if it is purified bottled or filtered through a filter. If irrigation is carried out with ordinary tap water, it should be allowed to settle to ensure that the impurities to which the palm is very sensitive fall out.

As for the irrigation regime, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Water it should be when the earth is dry for a few days, that is, the substrate should not be moistened constantly. It should be remembered that a lack of moisture can lead to the fact that the leaves will dry and die in the chrysolidocarpus, its overabundance can lead to decay of the roots and, eventually, to the death of the plant. Palm leaves also need moistening, they should be sprayed with purified water at room temperature every two days from a spray gun.

Transplantation and top dressing of chrysolideecarpus

Transplant the palm as the capacity is filled with roots, but not more often than once in two years. The new tub should be selected 1-2 sizes larger. The optimal time for chrysolide carpus transplantation is the end of March and the beginning of April.

After transplanting, the plant must be fed . To do this, you must enter into the soil a special mineral mixture for palm trees, previously diluted in water. In the future, it is better to fertilize in the period from April to September with a frequency of once every 2-3 months.

Reproduction of chrysolideacarpus

The palm tree can be propagated in two ways: by detaching the shoots and seeds. In this case, the offspring should be separated from the mother plant directly at the time of transplantation. Seeds should be soaked for several days in warm water, and then sowed in a greenhouse, where the temperature is maintained at 25-30 ° C. After 2-3 months, after the appearance of the first leaf, the shoots are transplanted into separate pots.

Diseases of the chrysolide carpus

One of the reasons that the plant begins to ache and wilt is the lack of microelements and minerals in the soil. When spots appear on the leaves or their necrosis, the plant should be fertilized with fertilizers containing zinc, magnesium and potassium. When supercooling, it is possible to stop the growth and development of the palm, so you should not allow the temperature in the room to drop below 18 ° C.