Oil of thuja in adenoids

The properties of tuya oil have been known to medicine for a long time. Preparations based on young shoots of this plant are capable of:

Treatment of adenoids with thuja oil

Tui oil helps to remove swelling of the mucous membranes, stop the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, gradually reducing the size of the adenoids. That's why you should try to fight with adenoid oil with thuya. There are two types of oil that are recommended for the treatment of adenoids:

Treatment of adenoids with these drugs occurs in different ways. Therefore, the question is not which thuja oil is better, but what is worse. They differ in the type of intake and effect on the body. Treatment with thuja oil of the first type has a high probability of relieving adenoiditis forever. The second type of oil alleviates the symptoms of inflamed adenoids and gently promotes recovery.

Thuya oil as a homeopathic remedy

Although homeopathy is not a very radical method. It eliminates the disease gradually, but in the case of inflamed adenoids or chronic adenoiditis can be a good alternative to treatment with chemicals or even eliminate the need for removal of adenoids.

Homeopathic thai oil (EDA-801) is able to repair damaged tissue, reduce the increased secretion of mucous membranes. Thus, it gradually negates the chronic inflammatory processes in the larynx and nasopharynx. Regular intake of 3-4 drops of such a drug in each nostril two or three times a day (the exact amount will be determined by the doctor) will be able to eliminate the disease.

The duration of treatment can be 3 months or more. Of course, like all homeopathic remedies, tuya oil in the early stages of treatment can provoke a slight exacerbation of the inflammation, but this only confirms its effective effect. A huge plus of homeopathic tuja oil is that it has no side effects, is compatible with all medicines. And, what is very important, there are practically no contraindications for taking oil.

Tui essential oil

Tui essential oil for internal use is not suitable. It is more concentrated, contains toxins that can harm the body with weak immunity. But the external use of essential oil of thuya as a massage or aromatherapy gives its positive result. It is important that the use of pure essential oil for massage is unacceptable. It must be diluted with any other vegetable oil.

Essential oil of thuja helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in acute stages, it is able to increase the immunity resistance in new viral diseases. After all, a chronic illness, such as adenoiditis, becomes a "free pass" for the viruses to the body.

Essential oil of thuja in adenoids should be used as an auxiliary and facilitating therapy. Inhalations or aromatherapy help reduce edema of the mucous, so a few drops of thuja oil in the aroma lamp before going to bed will help you breathe freely with your nose.