Why does a newborn baby hiccup after feeding?

Each newborn baby has hiccups from time to time. Usually this phenomenon, especially not disturbing the child, lasts no more than fifteen minutes. Even a half hour hiccup after feeding a newborn is not considered a deviation. But if it bothers you, as it happens too often and lasts a long time, it is better to contact a neurologist or pediatrician. Of course, hiccough may be a sign of the disease, for example, compression of the nerve of the diaphragm, diabetes, parasite infestation or spinal cord injury, but, fortunately, this is rarely observed.

Causes of hiccoughs

Physiological hiccough, according to doctors, is associated with poorly established connections between the diaphragm and the brain. The most common reason for explaining why a newborn baby hiccup after each feeding is a swallowing of air or overeating.

We take measures

In the event that a newborn often hiccups after feeding, his diet should be reviewed. Perhaps your baby is overeating. Often after a hiccup, the baby spits up, and in the stool one can see curdled undigested remnants of milk or a mixture. To save the crumb and yourself from these troubles, feed it more often, but in small portions that will not overfill its ventricle.

Sometimes a baby after a feeding hiccups due to the fact that swallows the air along with the food. If the baby is breastfed, during feeding, make sure that it is properly attached to the chest. Together with the nipple in his mouth must fall part of the areola. The fact that the process of sucking is right to you will prompt sounds - loud smackings should not be! For artificial people it is better to purchase an antikolikovoy bottle .

Sometimes mother's milk, which is very much, and is the cause of hiccups - the child just chokes with it. In such cases, it is recommended to feed the newborn with small interruptions, so that he can swallow milk. If you feed from a bottle, then change the pacifier to the one in which the hole will be smaller.

The old method, tested by our grandmothers, is water. A few teaspoons of warm boiled or filtered water will help get rid of the hiccough of hiccups. By the way, a person can not hiccup during sleep, so try to cuddle a baby. But do not try to frighten the child! To get rid of hiccups, this "medicine" does not have a relationship, but the nervous system of the baby can suffer!