How to grow a rose from the seeds from China?

Grow roses from the seeds is possible, even if not an experienced breeder, and an amateur florist. But you need to prepare for a long and painstaking care.

I want to note right away that the cultivation of roses from seeds from China, bought in unverified shops, in most cases does not lead to anything good: at best, you will grow a couple of roses. In the worst - it will not roses, but plants of incomprehensible kind and origin.

And those who expect that roses from seeds from China will be multi-colored, blue, black or green, deeply disappointed, since in nature there simply are no such plants, and they can not be created even when crossing and other gene experiments. So the questions on how to germinate the seeds of roses from China to get these incredible flowers simply do not make sense.

But if you adequately assess your chances and order seeds from trusted suppliers, while you want to grow red, pink, white, yellow or tea roses, you will succeed, only you need to know how to grow a rose from seeds from China, Holland or other countries .

How to plant rose seeds from China?

First you need to prepare the seeds. They need a substrate of tissue or cotton napkins, which serve to retain moisture. We wet the substrate with hydrogen peroxide and put the seeds. We cover them from above with the same layer of substrate.

Pack it all in a plastic bag or a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. We keep them there for 2 months, periodically airing and inspecting the seeds. If necessary, we additionally moisten the substrate.

When the seeds germinate, we move them into seedling pots or peat tablets . Observe the temperature regime (+ 18-20ºС), the lighting level (not less than 10 hours per day). Watering should be moderate. The first buds need to be cut off to ensure a good development of the root system.

Hardened plants can be planted in the open ground in May, in advance prepared pits or trenches with loose and fertile land.