Sangria is the most popular cocktail at all Spanish parties, often called "Spanish Sangria wine." Love it, by the way, not only in Spain, but also on the entire Mediterranean coast and, even, beyond. This is not surprising, because the drink is very tasty and light, it is good to drink in summer and in winter.
Spanish sangria
There are many legends about how this delicious fruit drink appeared. Most likely, the origin of the recipe "Sangria" is associated with the processing of the remains of wine and fruit and, once opened this drink, the Spaniards discovered that a mixture of wine and citrus juice helps to endure the summer heat. Over time, sangria "settled" in bars and restaurants, went beyond not only Spain, but also Europe. You can prepare sangria with red wine and white, with the addition of soda to get sparkling sangria and, of course, experimenting with a variety of fruits. Spoil this drink is extremely difficult!
Sangria at home
Even if you have not been able to visit the sunny coast of Spain this year, do not despair - the preparation of sangria does not require any special effort or effort and arrange a holiday, please yourself and friends with this refreshing and tasty drink you can only do sangria in home conditions. All you need is wine, fruit, ice and, of course, mood.
How to cook sangria?
Sangria is traditionally made on the basis of inexpensive red wine with the addition of fruit. Most often use citrus, but perfectly adorn the taste and apples, strawberries, peaches, kiwi. Sometimes other alcoholic beverages are added to the wine - orient yourself to the composition: any, brandy, brandy or champagne, prepared on the basis of grapes, will do. Dilute wine with carbonated water, lemonade, tonic or plain water in order to reach a strength of 5-7 degrees. In the classic "Sangria" cocktail recipe, one fruit bottle consumes three fruits - an apple, a peach and an orange and one glass of any alcoholic beverage.
- inexpensive red wine - 1 bottle;
- lemonade - 1 bottle;
- brandy - 1 item;
- apple - 1 piece;
- peach - 1 piece;
- orange - 1 piece;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. a spoon;
- cinnamon - to taste.
Peel and cut fruit, pour brandy and leave overnight in the fridge. Mix wine, lemonade, fruit and brandy, put ice cubes. Add sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon. If you like a more sweet drink, then you can put more sugar. In addition, depending on what kind of wine you use - dry or sweet, the amount of sugar can also vary.
Do not be afraid to experiment with fruits - depending on the ingredients in the recipe, sangria will always turn out different.
White sangria
It is prepared, like sangria with red wine, only with the addition of a white drink.
How to drink sangria?
In summer, sangria is drunk chilled, in winter - heated, with the addition of spices. But it is necessary in the company, for sangria is a drink of fun and joy, radiant eyes and smiles. Arrange a party or go on a picnic - sangria will undoubtedly inspire and improve the mood of all holidaymakers.
A sangria drink is usually served in champagne glasses with ice cubes, but, since the cocktail itself is a company drink, it is even poured into ordinary mugs or plastic cups at a picnic, it will not lose its spirit of a Spanish siesta - an afternoon rest.
If in the preparation of sangria in the ingredients you add carbonated water, it is better to serve a cocktail in glasses for champagne. Sunny to you mood!