Herpes on the face

Viral disease, easily transmitted by household contact, affects about 95% of people. There are three most common types of pathology, herpes on the face causes the first type (simple). As a rule, the virus is constantly present in the body, it is activated by a sharp change in climatic conditions and a weakening of immunity.

Causes of herpes on the face

First of all, you can get sick. Herpes simplex is transmitted by the household way when using common utensils, hygienic appliances, kisses.

If the virus is already in the blood in a latent (latent) form, the relapse provokes:

Symptoms of herpes on the face

The virus manifests itself gradually. At the beginning of an exacerbation, itching and irritation, burning sensation on the skin of the face. Usually the lips, cheeks, wings of the nose, eyelids, sometimes the center of the forehead are affected.

Further clinical signs appear as a rash. It is a small red pimple, increasing in size. After 1-4 days, the neoplasms become blisters filled with fluid or turbid exudate, causing unbearable itching. After another 2-3 days, acne fuses and bursts, and on the site of the rash there are ulcers covered with crust. The surface of the blisters dries up on its own and is rejected for 3-4 days.

How to treat herpes on the face?

First and foremost, it is important to prevent the disease, especially if it has been present in the body for a long time. Timely precautionary measures in the early stages of skin lesions can prevent the appearance of rashes and blisters.

Treatment of herpes on the face passes quickly in the case when a complex scheme is compiled:

The first stage involves the use of local drugs designed to combat herpes. The most effective for today is recognized Acyclovir and any of its derivatives.

Additionally, antiviral medicines are administered both systemically and locally, as well as:

These drugs increase the protective properties of the skin and prevent the spread of the virus to healthy areas.

In addition, in the stage of recurrence, immunomodulating drugs of interferon are often used.

For the period of remission, symptomatic therapy continues. Use such means from herpes on the face in the form of ointment :

Systemic medicines are no longer prescribed, instead it is recommended to adhere to a full balanced diet, to correct the functioning of the intestine, to take vitamins and micronutrient complexes. It is quite effective to use plant and synthetic adaptogens, immunostimulants.

The final stage of treatment is to consolidate the results and prevent subsequent exacerbations. To do this, vaccination (not earlier than 1.5-2 months after relapse) is inactivated or recombinant injections. The injection stimulates the production of special antibodies by the body, which counteract the reproduction of the herpes virus.