The Golden Gate in Vladimir

One of the main attractions of the ancient Russian city of Vladimir can rightly be considered the Golden Gate. This unique architectural monument has not fully survived to this day, but still impresses with its greatness and mastery of architects.

The Golden Gate in the city of Vladimir: the history of construction

The gates were built in 1164, during the rule of Andrei Bogolyubsky. They had several functions:

  1. Defensive - served as a connecting part of protective structures.
  2. Decorative - were a symbol of power, strength, power of the ruling prince.
  3. Utilitarian - were the main entrance to the city, it was through this "triumphal arch" that the honorary guests drove into the city and through them Andrei Bogolyubsky returned from successful military campaigns.

This sight was built by Russian masters, this is evidenced by the type of masonry that was used at that time only in the North-Eastern Russia. By the way, these gates in thick walls were not the only ones. There were also Copper, Irininy, Silver and Volga gates, but they were less beautiful and rich.

The history of the Golden Gate in Vladimir is connected with the legend. Allegedly, when the construction work was already coming to an end, the building's building collapsed. 12 masters remained under the rubble. The townspeople were sure that people were dead, but the prince ordered to bring the icon of the Mother of God to the scene and begin to disassemble the blockage. What was the surprise of the eyewitnesses, when they saw all the victims alive and healthy. In memory of the miracle of the Golden Gate, a tiny chapel appeared. The provisions of the Rice of the Mother of God. 1238 was for the Golden Gate in Vladimir heavy - they were damaged during the attack of the Mongol-Tatars. The troubled time also left a mark on the monument. Completed its destructive business city fire in the 18th century.

The Golden Gate in Vladimir: description

What were the gates during the construction period is for certain unknown, but many facts inform us the Ipatiev Chronicle. Including, it says that the gate leafs were upholstered in gilded copper, from where their name came. From the north and south to the gate adjoined high bulk shafts. On the outer side of the shafts there was a deep ditch, which also protected the city from the invasion of the enemy. Through the moat, usually, there was a flyover bridge, burned or raised during the siege.

The height of the arch itself was about 14 m, there are still massive sang gates. Over the arch was arranged flooring, which served as an additional platform for the battle. But from him, unfortunately, only minor details remain. The gates and walls were provided with staircases and passages, through which it was possible to get into different parts of them.

The Golden Gate Museum in Vladimir

Since its construction, the Golden Gate in Vladimir has undergone many destruction and even restoration during the reign of Catherine.

His new happy and quiet life gates gained when they moved into the jurisdiction of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. At present, you can not only admire the architecture of the Golden Gate in Vladimir, but also get acquainted with historical landmarks, see the most interesting artifacts of different times.

In the gate church there is a remarkable military-historical exposition with a diorama, telling about the events of 1238. It exhibits weapons, equipment, uniforms of soldiers not only of that time, but also of the 19th century.

On the former battleground, the Gallery of Vladimir Heroes was opened. Here you can see their portraits, awards, letters, documents. Vladimir-father - a significant, glorious city of Russia, so it is not only a rich history, but also preserved, even partially, monuments.

Preserved such a gate in Kiev.