The benefits of onions for humans

Onions are a plant, without which there is not a single garden or country plot. As soon as the sun begins to warm up, and the air smells in the spring, we all want fresh greenery. It is green onions, one of the first, appears on our tables, carrying such vitamins necessary for the body. So what is useful for onions for humans?

All at least once in my life they cut a bow. Feelings that you experience, it is difficult to call pleasant, but, exactly, those substances that cause sneezing and tearing, bring to our body the greatest benefit. Essential oils, giving onions its unique aroma, have a strong antimicrobial effect.

Benefits of blue onions

Many of those who visited the Crimea brought a blue bow from there as a present. So what is the peculiarity of this variety, because it costs many times more than usual? First of all, the blue onion is different in taste - it is much sweeter than its white counterpart, but there are other differences.

It is inferior to the common onions in antibacterial action on the body, since it contains less essential oils, so the blue onions are sweeter and not so pinch the eyes. But this plant has its own, exceptional properties. Blue onion is an excellent anthelmintic remedy, it helps with digestion and increases the digestibility of food. And one more feature, which few people know, blue onions perfectly helps with headaches caused by nervous overstrain.

Benefits of red onions

There is a misconception that blue and red onions are one and the same. This is not quite true. Red onions were bred by crossing several varieties, mostly imported from abroad, including blue. They are similar in taste, but slightly different in properties. The main feature of red onions is that it is able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Thanks to its progenitors, this vegetable combines some features of both blue and white onions. As white - it is able to have an antibacterial effect, like blue - has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of onions for women. Studies have shown that regular consumption of onions significantly reduces the risk of endometrial disease, and even cancer, which is especially affected by women during menopause. Also, many people use the recipes of our grandmothers who washed their heads with onion husk broth to strengthen their hair.

Onion is one of the few vegetables that is useful for the human body in boiled, raw and fried form and thus has practically no contraindications to consumption.