Why do WenWiki appear?

Wenards are benign entities. Typically, the lipoma (the so-called wen in a medical environment) is a small rounded seal, the size of which can increase over time. A feature of the wen is the property of slightly shifting when pressing on it. We learn the opinion of specialists about why the adipose appears on the skin.

Causes of the appearance of adipocytes

The question of why the adipes appear on the face, head and body, is crucial, as understanding the nature of the process allows you to choose the ways of prevention and ways of treatment.

Lipomas can form in a person of any age, and in the risk zone people with dry or oily skin. At once we want to warn: the reasons for the formation of Wen's are not completely clear, but the factors predisposing to the appearance of lipomas are revealed. More often than not, adolescents come from people who do not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, because it is the poor cleansing of the body that is the mediated cause of inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Excessive deposition of slags is observed in people who:

There are several hypotheses of the appearance of lipomas. The most popular are the following explanations for the appearance of Wen's children:

  1. A metabolic disorder caused by a deficiency in the body of fermented proteins. And in fact, often zhiroviki are observed in patients suffering from diabetes and hyperthyroidism .
  2. Clogging of the body with slag as a result of liver and bile duct dysfunction.
  3. Pathological processes in the kidneys, leading to the accumulation of excess fluid and toxins in tissues.
  4. Growth of adipose tissue due to neurotrophic disorders in certain areas of the body.

Practically proven is the fact of hereditary predisposition to the development of atypical fat cells. Cosmetologists and dermatologists assert that family lipomatosis is the main reason for the appearance of multiple zhirovikov in very young people and even in children.

Why do eyelashes appear on the eyelids

People of age often complain of the appearance of small white adipose tissue on the thin skin of the eyelids. The cause of the cosmetic defect is a blockage of the sebaceous glands located in the epidermis.

Attention! If the adipose is permanently injured when rubbing clothes, etc., then complications may develop as a result of infection and even degeneration of the formation into malignancy.