For various reasons, the blood vessels in the eyes expand, and it looks like reddened proteins. In addition to unsightly appearance, this problem has a bad effect on health and visual acuity. But before you choose a drop for the eyes from redness, you should take into account a lot of attendant factors and find out what the blood vessels are from.
How do eye drops from the reddening of the eyes?
First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons for which this symptom arose. Most often reddening of the proteins cause:
- inflammatory processes;
- infection;
- overwork;
- high blood pressure ;
- wearing contact lenses;
- Exposure to ambient air, especially if it contains vapors of chemicals.
Drops for removing redness of the eyes can be conditionally divided into 2 types: eliminating the symptoms and affecting the cause of the pathology.
Drops that relieve redness of the eyes
The first type is called alpha-adrenomimetics. As a part of such preparations there are no medicinal substances, the principle of their work consists in constriction of capillaries. Due to this, sclera and surrounding tissues receive less blood, and hyperemia disappears along with swelling. As a rule, eye drops from redness are cheap, since they are based on simple vasoconstrictor components:
- naphazolin;
- tetrisisol;
- oxymetazoline.
To date, the most popular means of this species are Vizin, Okumil, Naftizin and Oktilia.
What drops from the redness of the eyes to use for allergies?
Combined drugs that contain antihistamine medicinal ingredients are designed to remove redness of proteins for eye allergies . In addition to the narrowing of the capillaries, they help reduce the inflammation of the mucous tissues and prevent the onset of edema of the eyelids.
The best eye drops from redness with antihistamine effect:
- Lecrolin;
- Cromohexal;
- Allergodyl;
- Opatanol;
- Allergoftal;
- The spersallerg.
When allergic reactions are very strong, the use of drugs containing glucocorticosteroid hormones is indicated. It should be remembered that monotherapy only drops will not have any effect, local drugs must be used in combination with medications for oral administration.
Most often these glucocorticosteroid medications are prescribed:
- solution of prednisolone;
- Garazon;
- solution betamethasone.
To accelerate the action in parallel, vitamin, immunostimulating drugs can be used.
Therapeutic drops against the redness of the eyes
Vascular expansion is often caused by infections, bacteria or viruses. In such situations, ordinary drops that relieve symptoms only mask the true problem.
For the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is recommended, consisting of:
- aminoglycosides;
- levomycetin;
- macrolides;
- tetracycline.
Antibacterial drops for the eyes from redness:
- Floxal;
- Tobrex;
- Sulfacil sodium;
- Levomycetin;
- Albucid;
- Oftakwix;
- Normax;
- Cipromed.
Moreover, there are special antiviral solutions, especially they are effective in the therapy of conjunctivitis - Oftan, Tebrofen, Aktipol, Interferon and Ophthalmoferon.
In the non-infectious nature of the inflammatory process, it is sufficient to use non-steroidal agents, for example, Diclofenac drops. As additional auxiliary preparations, antiseptic local medicines are used: solutions of furacilin, lyapis (silver nitrate), zinc sulfate.