Some diseases go unnoticed, but there are also those that from the first days signal that something is wrong in the body. If you have an inflamed lymph node on the neck, there is reason to be on the alert. This may be a symptom of one of many diseases. Which ones? Let's find out.
Why do lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed?
As we know, lymph nodes have a protective function, they protect our body from various infections. Therefore, inflammation of the lymph node, lymphadenitis, can be considered a testament to the infection. The location of the inflamed node first of all indicates a problem area - usually it is located nearby. So the pain in the lymph nodes in the inguinal area indicates an infection of the urogenital tract, armpits - about the disease of the lower respiratory tract, or general system failures. Well and the increased lymphonoduses on a neck are a signal that the problem hid in the field of a throat, or a head.
If you have an inflammation of the lymph node on the right side of the neck, it is likely that the cause lies in the otitis of the right ear. Here are the other symptoms that will help to understand the nature of the disease:
- Pain in the ear, headache, fever, deterioration of hearing - signs of otitis.
- Sore throat, shortness of breath, wheezing, general weakness, chills - signs of tonsillitis;
- General lethargy, depression, muscle pain, fatigue in the eyes, runny nose - the first signs of the flu.
- Dry cough, chills, headaches - a sign of ARVI .
- Fast fatigue, pain in the lymph nodes, dizziness, persistent fever and other disturbances of normal health can indicate immunological diseases.
If the lymph node is inflamed on the back of the neck, this may be a sign of the presence of neoplasms, or lymphoma. At the same time, the cause may be a normal draft. That is why it is important not to resort to self-treatment, but to seek medical advice from a doctor.
What to do if the lymph nodes on the neck often become inflamed?
If the problem is regular, and doctors can not establish the cause of the inflammation, it is most likely the case in a weakened immunity. You should increase the intake of foods containing vitamin C, eat more vegetable fats, gradually increase the motor activity. For a few months of a healthy lifestyle, you will be about that, more recently, you have constantly inflamed the right lymph node at the neck, or elsewhere.
Do not forget that often the causes of the disease lie in external factors:
- toxic fumes;
- an allergic reaction ;
- injuries;
- violations of metabolic processes;
- alcohol abuse;
- smoking;
- hypothermia and others.
It is for this reason that in the case of lymph nodes in the neck, the treatment should begin with the detection of these factors and their elimination. If the increase in nodes is evidence of the disease, the situation will return to normal as soon as you begin to fight it.
As an auxiliary, it is good to use ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. These drugs significantly reduce
If the lymph node is inflamed on the neck, and it becomes painful to swallow and breathe, you should immediately call a doctor, otherwise the situation may become critical. Similar actions are taken if the inflammation is accompanied by suppuration. In all other cases, you can delay a visit to the doctor for several days - most likely, an increase in lymph nodes indicates only a decrease in immunity, and, therefore, soon the situation normalizes by itself.