Natural delivery after cesarean section

Cesarean operation has recently evolved from critical to ordinary. She even began to be considered another "natural" way of baby's birth, which is due to the frequency of the dissection.

Monthly after delivery of cesarean

Menstrual cycle, meaning the woman's readiness for fertilization, can begin after 2-3 months from the date of the operation. The moment of onset of menstrual after cesarean directly depends on the balanced state of the hormones of the female body and the intensity of breastfeeding. Do not rely on natural contraception, which is the case with HS.

Indications for repeat delivery after COP

Hopes for natural childbirth after Caesarean section are great, and many women have a great desire to "participate" in the process of the appearance of their second child in the world. However, the maternal aspiration is not everything that is necessary for natural delivery after cesarean. Gynecologists are obliged to verify the availability of necessary medical indicators, the combined presence of which will enable them to give birth independently. These include:

Repeated deliveries after cesarean have practically no indisputable contraindications, moreover, the percentage of women who want to have a baby is quite large. This can be done already a couple of years after the operation, when the muscle tissue in the scar area is completely restored. To avoid childbirth one year after cesarean, it is necessary to choose a qualitative method of contraception. This will avoid abortion, rupture or inflammation of the uterus.

Pregnancy and childbirth after cesarean

Each subsequent pregnancy after pregnancy is under the ever-increasing control of doctors. Particular concern is the inconsistent scar, which can disperse during the next delivery after cesarean or in the last weeks of gestation. Evaluate his condition during pregnancy can be by palpation or an ultrasound session.

The birth after cesarean proceeds in much the same way as usual. A woman in childbirth is expected to face fights and can expect anesthesia. Categorically, drugs that stimulate labor can not be used. This can provoke rupture of the uterus. Do not also agree to an autopsy of the bladder, as this will disrupt the whole process of labor after cesarean. After the completion of the process of the child's appearance through the birth canal, the doctor examines the scar under general anesthesia. Independent birth after cesarean has a favorable effect on the health and psychological state of the mother and child.

Home birth after cesarean

In our time, childbirth at home has become very popular. This is due to distrust of doctors, religious beliefs, personal motives and a tribute to fashion. But the birth after cesarean alone should not be carried out in any case. They should not proceed without the close supervision of the obstetrician-gynecologist in a maternity hospital. Presence of all necessary medicines and experience of the staff of the polyclinic will make it possible to avoid the death of the child or threats to the life of the mother.

Childbirth after two cesarean

With each subsequent operation, the walls of the uterus are increasingly thinned, the scars are superimposed on each other, the general condition of the muscle worsens. Doctors insist that the third birth after cesarean or carried out the same way, or did not come at all, because it threatens the danger not only of the mother, but also the baby. Natural childbirth after two cesareans is a very rare phenomenon in obstetrical practice, which requires high professionalism of medical staff and an ideal state of health of mother and child.