When can I take a bath after cesarean?

As you know, the recovery period after childbirth has its own peculiarities, in particular, if the delivery was performed by cesarean. Women who underwent such an operation are often interested in the question of hygiene procedures after the appearance of the baby. Let's consider this process in more detail and tell you about when you can start taking a bath after cesarean section.

After what time after a cesarean you can take a bath?

Doctors when answering this question indicate the following time interval - 8-9 weeks. However, before this, it is absolutely necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist who must give permission for such hygienic procedures.

What should I consider when taking baths after cesarean operation?

When after cesarean has already passed 2 months, a woman can lie in the bathroom. Despite this, a number of conditions must be taken into account during the procedure:

  1. First, the bath should be well washed. It is better to use neutral disinfectants. This will avoid the appearance of irritations in the area of ​​the remaining seam after the operation.
  2. Secondly, the water temperature should be within 40-45 degrees. If to speak about that, when after a cesarean section you can take a hot bath, it's after 10 weeks. The danger is that heat contributes to the flow of blood to the reproductive organs, which are in the stage of recovery. This can negatively affect the process of tissue regeneration itself.

Thus, every woman who has undergone a cesarean section must, without fail, before consulting a bath, consult a supervising physician. He must, in turn, confirm that the postoperative wound was completely healed, i.e. The probability of penetration through her infection is absent.