Salad with oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms (or oyster) are mushrooms that are easily grown under artificial conditions. These mushrooms with pleasant characteristic tones of smell and taste have very useful properties, they contain fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B group vitamins (as well as C, E, and D2), potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen and iodine compounds.

Regular consumption of food in the veselin promotes general cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, normalization of cholesterol and blood pressure. Oyster mushrooms prevent the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic, cold and cancer, have aphrodisiacal properties. In general, you have already realized that these mushrooms are a very useful delicacy, from which (or with which) you can prepare a variety of useful, tasty and delicious dishes, including salads. When buying a cherry, pay attention to the fact that the mushrooms were not "shaggy" edges and that they were not sluggish.

Here are a few recipes for salads made from cherry.

General principles in the preparation of veshenok

Oyster mushrooms are edible in any form, including cheese. The use of a mixture of vegetable oils with natural vinegars and / or juices of acid fruits as a dressing for a salad of hamsters has a sufficient fermenting (marinating) effect on mushrooms. That the oyster mushrooms (as well as other components of the lettuce) are well-minted, the prepared salad should be allowed to stand for a while before serving. If you decide to cook, stew or grill oyster mushrooms - cooking time is not more than 20 minutes.

Salad with pickled oyster mushrooms, chicken and cheese


for refueling:


We cut the oyster mushrooms not too finely, and the onion is quartered in rings, folded into a tight container and filled with a dressing (mixture of vegetable oil with lemon juice and natural vinegar in the ratio 3: 2: 1). Stir and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Boiled chicken fillet cut into small pieces, and sweet peppers - short straws. While we are busy with these manipulations, mushrooms and onions just make good money.

All the ingredients are combined in a salad bowl and mixed. Before serving let the salad stand a little more.

You can add to this salad and some other ingredients, for example, green canned peas, young olives (pitted), boiled potatoes. To such salad it is good to submit vodka, kummel, gin, bitter tinctures, light wines.

Salad with fried oyster mushrooms and quail eggs



Quail eggs boil hard, cool and clean the shell.

Oyster mushrooms are not too finely chopped, onion - quarter rings, and sweet pepper - short straw. Frying pan (ideally wok) should be of such size that the fried foods are not cramped so that they are roasted, and not stewed.

Fried oyster mushrooms, onions and sweet peppers in a hot frying pan on sesame oil. Frying pan is often shaken, active we manipulate the scapula. Fry for a short while, for about 5-8 minutes.

Salad we serve immediately in plates. Rice is laid out through a special ring - a flat cylinder, next - a little onion-mushroom mixture. For each serving of 3-4 quail eggs - they can be cut in half along and beautifully laid out. You can also use duck eggs - then 1 per serving.

Now dressing sauce. Mix the sauce obtained when frying (from a frying pan) with soy sauce . You can add a little bit of myrina (rice sweet wine). Pour this mixture of rice cylinders - it is desirable to make it beautiful. We make greenery. We serve with rice vodka or rice wine, strong special wines, strong tinctures.