Psychological disorders

Psychological disorders have many manifestations. To date, medicine has made very little progress on this issue. So far, it is very difficult to determine the true causes of a particular psychological disorder, since they all share similar features.

Types of psychological disorders

  1. Endogenous . The cause of the disorder is related to heredity. It is she who starts the development of the disease. The most famous endogenous psychological disorders are epilepsy, schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis.
  2. Exogenous . Developed under the influence of external factors, for example, alcohol or drugs, somatic or infectious diseases, brain tumors, the consequences of craniocerebral trauma, and neuroinfections.
  3. Psychogenic . Arise if there is an acute stress and psychotraumatic situation. An example of psychogenic disorders are neuroses, reactive psychoses and psychosomatic disorders.
  4. Pathology of psychological development . The disorder manifests itself in pronounced violations of certain areas, for example, intellectual or behavioral. A vivid example of such pathological development can be called oligophrenia and psychopathy.

Signs of a psychological disorder

  1. Occurrence of hallucinations, amplification, attenuation or distortion of sensitivity.
  2. The incoherence of thinking, inhibition, breaks in thoughts, manifestations of delusional thoughts, ideas.
  3. Violation of attention or memory, the appearance of false memories, dementia.
  4. Depressive state, groundless anxiety, apathy, euphoria, spitefulness, complete absence of emotions.
  5. Motor excitation, obsessive actions, seizures, protracted silence.
  6. Violation of consciousness, disorientation in space and time, illusory and unnaturalness of the surrounding world.
  7. Bulimia, anorexia, sexual psychological disorders, which are expressed in sexual overexcitation or total absence his, perversion, fear of premature ejaculation, etc.
  8. Psychopathy - sharply expressed character traits , which greatly hamper the life of the patient and those around him.

Psychological personality disorders can be treated. An important role in this play a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist. They try to eliminate the cause of the disorder and return the patient clarity of thinking. As an additional treatment, drug therapy is used.