Caring for geraniums in winter

Geranium or pelargonium is from southern Africa. The genus includes almost 300 species. In the room conditions the most common are Pelargonium zonal , royal, Angels, ivy, fragrant and felted (mint), and in the garden - Balkan (large-root), marshy, lush, etc.

Since this is a southern plant, many growers are concerned with the questions: what to do with geraniums in winter and whether it blooms at this time. Let's consider this in more detail in our article.

How to care for geraniums in winter?

To keep the geranium bush in winter at home, it should be followed by proper care:

Pruning geraniums for the winter

In the middle of autumn it is recommended to carry out a thorough pruning of the geranium bush, leaving half of the height of the whole plant. This is necessary for good air exchange within the plant, allowing the lower row of geranium leaves to receive sufficient light and reduce the likelihood of fungal infections during wintering.

In winter, only need to monitor the condition of the slices: when they are blackened, shoots should be shortened.

Transplant geranium for the winter

Transplant geranium, grown at home, you can spend almost any time of year (except winter). In the mandatory transplant for the period of winter only garden geraniums need, so they do not tolerate minus temperature.

How to keep garden geranium in winter?

To save the garden geranium, three methods are used:

If you follow the rules of caring for geraniums in winter, you will save your time on growing a new bush in the spring.