Clicker for dogs

Clicker for dogs - a modern device that is used for training and education of animals, it is convenient and relatively inexpensive cost.

In what cases is the clicker-training effective?

This method of raising a dog is necessary if:

Training dogs with the help of a clicker can be used with equal success both for training a very small puppy and for raising an adult animal with a developed character.

Terms of use

To train dogs with a clicker, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules, which will help to achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time:

  1. The signal of the device should cause the animal only pleasant associations, for example with a meal or a walk.
  2. One click is one encouragement. An increase in the number of audio signals will not lead to an improvement in the quality of the device, but simply further confuse the pet.
  3. Training should be held regularly, not selectively.
  4. Training should begin with the most elementary commands or their parts.

What are clickers for dogs?

A clicker with a plate is the simplest and inexpensive option, whose operation is based on pressing the thumb on the plate located in the middle of the device. Less: it is difficult to apply in the winter season, when the hands are wearing gloves.

The clicker clicker can be pressed with any finger, at least the arms, at least the legs, and the edge of the palm. However, its sound is slightly muffled than that of a plate one, which makes it difficult to use in busy and noisy places.

Clicker-training for beginners is an excellent way to assess their qualities as a caregiver of their own pet.