Chihuahua - description of the breed, character

Chihuahua is one of the most famous small dogs. They are often acquired by glamorous girls, celebrities, politicians. These dogs are easy to care for, friendly, and also very loyal.

In this article, you will get acquainted with the description of the Chihuahua breed and find out what character they possess.

History of the origin of the breed

The motherland of the chihuahua is Mexico. It is believed that their ancestors were tecici dogs. The ancient Maya and the Aztecs considered this dog sacred. In the 16th century, the territories of the Aztecs were conquered by the Spaniards, who eventually used chihuahua to catch rats on ships.

Chihuahua was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

Character of the Chihuahua

It is worth noting that the long-haired Chihuahua is considered more calm and kind dogs than their short-haired relatives.

Many large dogs will envy the courage and courage of the Chihuahua. They have a lively and fervent character. That's why chihuahuas can get into a fight with other dogs. However, this breed does not show hysteria and cowardice. As for family members, the Chihuahuas have friendly relations with them. This breed is loyal and devoted to its masters.

Many Chihuahua owners in their reviews describe the intelligence of this dog as one of the main reasons for acquiring this breed. The owners write that chihuahua become adults early and at the age of one year they are already at the last stage of their character formation. One of the manifestations of their intellect is the ability to understand people well. Chihuahua dogs avoid "communication" with evil and conflict people. They have a good memory and are very smart, able to easily adapt to various circumstances.

Pet training

Due to the high intelligence of the Chihuahua, their training takes a little time and the process as a whole is not difficult. But it is important to start their education from an early age. Any family member can engage in their training. Do not allow guests to feed the dog and command it.

When training it is enough to use simple commands, such as "to me", "sit", "fu".

Causeless barking should be stopped. Do not beat the Chihuahua, because it can grow nervous and scared.

Maintenance and care

Chihuahua has a fragile structure of bones, so it should be treated with care. When swimming, it is important to take the dog with both hands - the left hand is located on the seat, and the right one - under the breast.

During molting, neither the long-haired breed nor the short-haired breed does not cause discomfort. During this period, it is enough to comb them 4-5 times a week. Under normal circumstances, 2-3 times will be enough.

Bathe the chihuahua 2-3 times a year. To not dry the skin, it is better to use a shampoo for dogs. Avoid getting water in your ears.

Claws should be cut as they grow.

To eat the chihuahua is mainly protein of animal origin. It is also important to add fats, carbohydrates and minerals to your food. For 1 kg of weight you eat from 50 to 80 gr.

Chihuahua tend to be obese, so it's important to monitor their diet.

The following 5 facts about Chihuahua tell you a little more about them:

  1. They are born with lowered ears.
  2. The average life expectancy is from 8 to 15 years.
  3. Among all breeds of dogs have the largest brain, in comparison with the size of the body.
  4. Prone to snoring due to a short nose.
  5. Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world.