Gurami - care and maintenance

Fans of aquarium fish and those who have not yet decided for themselves what kinds of aquatic inhabitants will please their eyes, it is worth asking the type of gurus .

Exterior features gourami

This is a fairly large aquarium fish, the length of which reaches 5-12 cm. The body of these pearl species is often silvery-violet and stained. Coloration of males is usually much brighter than females. The body of these fish has an elongated flat shape. Particular attention should be paid to the pectoral fins with gourami, which have a threadlike whiskers, the length of which is equal to the length of the body. The purpose of these organs is touch. In case of damage, they are capable of regeneration. Thanks to a special labyrinth (nadzhibernomu) body, gurus can live without water for about 6-8 hours.

Gourami - maintenance and care

The aquarium can be small in size (from 40 liters), if there you plan to place 3-4 individuals. It is necessary to be guided by the quantity, since gurami is a rather big fish and it is desirable to avoid crowdedness. At the bottom of the aquarium it is better to place a dark primer. Obligatory presence not only bottom, but also floating plants. To make the gourami feel good, the conditions of detention should provide for sufficient light and daylight, even in the first half of the day. These species of fish are not whimsical in food. They eat both dry and live food. Adults can easily do without food for a week. These fish have a very small mouth. They can give manna porridge, which must be scalded with boiling water, or suppressed canned peas.

Gurami are very hardy, and they do not need special care and maintenance. They do not need special parameters and water quality. Stiffness and acidity can be an absolutely permissible norm. The only indicator is important for the comfortable maintenance of gourami - the water temperature. It should not be below 20 ° C. Still, these are tropical species and they need a certain heat. Another plus of these fish is the lack of need for aeration. This will make it possible to arrange the aquarium in any room, not being afraid that the pump noise will prevent you or the children from sleeping. If there is a large number of snails in the aquarium that multiply rapidly and can harm plants, the gurus will easily cope with such annoying "neighbors". They can eat small snails and other insects accidentally caught with food in the aquarium.

By the type of behavior gurami peaceful and calm fish, the content of which with other fish does not provide any difficulties. Their neighbors can be both small and fairly large species. For example: neons, sclerias, debris, ancistrus, minors, apistograms, corridors. It is necessary to avoid cohabitation with gouramas with such aggressive species as: pseudotrophaeus, parrots, cichlids , goldfishes and labiodochromis. Gurami is a very curious fish that everyone learns with the help of their thread-whiskers. Therefore, new settlers can nervously react to this. These fish can move herd, especially this is clearly manifested when lifting to the surface after a breath of air and the same synchronous lowering to the bottom.

A feature of reproduction is the fact that it is males that build nests on the bottom of the aquarium. The distances between them can be very insignificant. On this ground between the males there can be some skirmishes that do not lead to injuries and often end peacefully. If you want to dilute this species in a quantitative composition, then it is worthwhile to think about the availability of a hotel house for newborn fry.