How to choose a parrot?

Do you like birds very much and decided to get yourself a parrot? Then, before doing this, you should first learn how to choose a parrot for the house, how to care for it and how to feed it.

If you first take to your house in a parrot's house, it is better to stop the choice not on a large bird, but on parrots of small breeds: wavy or coral. These birds are quite unpretentious, care for them is simple, they are quite sociable and easily get used to the owner.

How to choose a Corellian parrot?

Parrot Corella is a small bird, the length of which from the beak to the tip of the tail is 30 cm. Their colorful plumage looks colorful, there is a peculiar crest on the head. The human speech of the Corelles does not imitate very well. But they can perfectly copy various sounds, for example, an alarm clock or a telephone.

How to choose a talking wavy parrot?

The wavy parrot is smaller in size than the Corellian: its length is about 20 cm. In these birds, its plumage is more often yellow-green, but you can meet parrots of turquoise, yellow or white. On the neck, wings and back, they have dark wavy bands. With proper care, they live at home until age 15, but if they are fed incorrectly, their life expectancy can be drastically reduced to 6-8 years.

Parrots of this breed, especially birds with green plumage, are perfectly trained in human speech. They can remember up to a hundred words, learn songs, quatrains and even complex phrases.

As a rule, every owner wants to choose a healthy parrot. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the appearance of the bird. Do not buy a flaccid parrot with muddy eyes and ruffled plumage. If a bird has reddened the anus or is dirty with a litter, then such a parrot is probably unwell. In addition, a healthy bird should be full-bodied and well-fed. Do not buy a parrot that lacks fly feathers: the bird, apparently, has the disease "French molt".

Take advantage of these simple tips, and the problem of which parrot to choose for an apartment or a house will be easily solved.