Miniature Spitz

Of all German spitz, the miniature miniature pomeranian is the smallest. In some countries this breed is called the Pomeranian Pomeranian, which is explained by the location of these dogs - Pomerania. On the territory of Russia Pomeranian Spitz called the type of dwarf miniature Spitz, that is, this name is not official. In documents the breed of the Zverg-Spitz is indicated, and the small spitz is the Klein-Spitz.

Description of the pygmy spitz

The adult dog of the pygmy pomeret does not exceed 23 centimeters in diameter at the withers. Such a miniature dwarf dog's size allows you to keep a dog even in a small apartment.

The wool of the dwarf spitz is captivating with its beauty. It is dense, shiny, stiff, straight, the undercoat is soft and dense. Around the neck is a luxurious fur collar, the tail that the animal wears on its back, fluffy. Forearms spitz adorning lush puffs, on the hips - charming panties. Fervent spicery look like a foxlike head with expressive eyes of dark color and sharp ears. Ears, muzzle, forehead and limbs below the tarsus and wrists of the dog are covered with a short, thick and velvety fur. Usually the weight of a dwarf spitz does not exceed 3.5 kilograms.

The color of these animals can be varied: black, white, chocolate, brown, cream, orange, zoned-sand, zone white, dark brown, bicolour, blue.


They are cute, cheerful and friendly animals that have a number of advantages: they are easy to master in urban and rural conditions, they are faithful companions, very beautiful, distrustful to strangers, mobile, bold, energetic, extremely excitable, emotional. Probably, the description of the dwarf spitz will be incomplete, if not to mention that such dogs are excellent loyal companions. Spitz is easy to train, because they are extremely smart. The complaisant nature of the dwarf spitz makes it very malleable to training. Despite the fact that dwarf spitzes are always ready to make you a company in any walk, they do not need serious and constant physical exertion. Hunting instinct is practically absent, the Spitz adapts quickly to different weather conditions. The most complete description of the breed is the pygmy pomeranian, if we mention the excellent health of these pets. In addition, Spitz are longevity. With proper care, the Super Mini Spitz will delight you sixteen, or even twenty years!

Features of care and content

Both exhibition dogs and ordinary domestic dwarf miniature spitz need care for their hair. Most owners at first imagine this a difficult occupation, taking a lot of time. But in fact, learn the basics grooming can be anyone who ever tries to implement this procedure on their own. These animals are very clean, so they rarely spoil their fur. In frequent washing, dwarf spitz does not need. After washing, wool must be dried with a hair dryer. If you begin to introduce the puppy from a young age with this device, then he will not be afraid of noise. For Spitz with white hair, you need to buy a shampoo with a whitening effect.

About what to feed a dwarf spitz, you should talk separately. In this dog breed, the stomach is a weak spot. Spitz should not be given products that cause bloating. It is preferable to feed dry vitaminized food. Occasionally a pet can be pampered with boiled meat, rice, buckwheat. Near the bowl with food, there must always be a container of water.