Hypoallergenic cat food

Food allergies in cats are quite rare, but if your pet has symptoms of an allergy, getting rid of them will be difficult.

What to do with food allergies in cats?

First you need to contact a specialist. The veterinarian will tell you what allergies can occur and help identify the active allergen that should be excluded from your pet's diet. Most often, food allergies occur on chicken meat, fish and dairy products, as well as on flavors and nutritional supplements. The veterinarian will also recommend a good hypoallergenic dry cat food that will help cope with the symptom of allergies.

The most effective hypoallergenic food

Hypoallergenic cat food "Purina" (Purina HA Hypoallergenic Canine) is suitable for feeding pets of any age. It has several undeniable advantages: firstly, many cats like it very much, which allows them to be fed with this mixture for a long time; secondly, all the ingredients in it are balanced, and thirdly, the results are seen quite quickly - after a 2- 3 days in cats disappear rashes, caused by allergies.

Hypoallergenic cat food "Pro Plan" (Pro Plan). In this diet proteins and fats are optimally balanced. It is also a valuable source of calcium, vitamins and fiber needed to improve bowel function. The food is produced in the form of granules, which simplifies its chewing, and also excludes the possibility of the appearance of tartar. This food is easy to digest and with long-term use reliably relieves the symptoms of food allergies.

Hypoallergenic cat food "Hills" (Hills) is suitable for kittens and for adult cats of all breeds and weight categories. Its balanced composition, the availability of vitamins , and the use of only natural ingredients make the feed useful for daily long-term feeding, and for treating food allergies in the animal. Veterinarians often recommend Royal Canin food labeled on the package "hypoallergenic", as it has good indicators for treatment, and is relatively cheap compared to similar foods.

Cat food BILANX Sensitive is well suited for already adult cats suffering from allergies. It improves the quality of wool and minimizes its loss, and also removes skin irritation. This feed also increases the immunity of the animal.

Cat food Brit (Brit) contains only the highest quality hypoallergenic ingredients: salmon, lamb and potatoes. However, such a composition makes it quite expensive.