Vitamins for cats

Any breeder will tell you that even the most complete and varied food does not exclude the need to give the cat vitamins. Vitamins for the immunity of cats are especially important in the spring period, the period of bearing of offspring and for old animals. Let's consider what vitamins are necessary for cats in each of the listed cases.

What vitamins should I give to a cat?

First, we'll figure out what each vitamin in the cat's body is responsible for. So it will be easier to understand why it is necessary to take the complex, and not just one particular vitamin separately.

  1. Vitami A. It is necessary for the growth of the animal and visual acuity. In its natural form it is found in such products: green vegetables, fish oil, sea kale. A chemist's vitamin can be mixed with a cat in food in a crushed form.
  2. Vitamin B. Responsible for the condition of the animal's fur and skin, is necessary for growth. To replenish this vitamin cat needs dairy products.
  3. Vitamin C. Deficiency of this vitamin can provoke the development of scurvy on the skin of the animal.
  4. Vitamin D. It is necessary to form a strong support apparatus, strengthen bones.
  5. Vitamin E. It is necessary for the correct functioning of the reproductive system of a cat.

Important point: for castrated cats should buy a special food. These feeds differ slightly from the usual ones. There should be a higher protein content, L-carnitine and a sufficiently low level of starch.

Vitamins for pregnant cats

During pregnancy and subsequent feeding, the mother's body experiences a huge shortage of trace elements. Vitamins for cats during this period are especially important, because the kittens will take everything they need from their mother and the cat will be very weakened. Be sure to carefully think over the diet for a nursing mother and supplement it with the following list of necessary supplements:

Almost always after birth, the cat has problems with claws. They become brittle, and the wool falls out so intensely that you can see bald patches. In this situation, vitamins with biotin are vitally important for a pregnant cat. He will help restore the animal's woolen coat and strengthen its claws. Such an addition will be very useful during the spring moult, and then you can switch to complex preparations with the main group of vitamins.

Vitamins for old cats

The aging organism needs additional supplements not less than healthy and young. At this stage, the cat is observed weakening of the immune system, the manifestation of various diseases, disruption of the internal organs.

Vitamins for cats, universal for all breeds and ages, are difficult to pick up, because the animal's organism is individual. However, for each cat in adulthood, vitamins with taurine and glucose will be useful. These additives help to strengthen joints and ligaments, and also normalize the work of the visual apparatus. Replace taurine for a cat can not be anything, it is this amino acid that makes the heart muscle work and supports the eyesight. If the cat is on natural feeding, taurine is injected additionally, but the dry premium feed class already contain this amino acid, which facilitates the task of the breeder. Vitamins for old cats with taurine are so important for several reasons: