How to determine the sex of a wavy parrot?

These fairly small birds have turned to many people for real pets. Of course, wavy parrots are inferior in size to their relatives. Handsome ara , which can reach even 90 cm in length, immediately catches the eye and attracts everyone's attention. But to keep such a giant at home, it takes a lot of space. And the cost of such exotic birds is much higher. That is why the heroes of our article are still more popular and widespread feathered dwellers of our dwellings than their closest rivals.

The definition of sex is one of the main questions for those people who for the first time got such handsome people as wavy parrots . It is especially interesting for those lovers who plan to further develop breeding birds. People with experience know that the females placed in the same cell get along rather badly. In addition, knowledge of the parrot's sex gives an advantage when buying - it is believed that young males are easier to learn to talk than their girlfriends.

How to know the sex of a wavy parrot?

Newcomers unfamiliar with this issue often believe that the sexual sign affects the coloring of the plumage of these beautiful birds. But it turned out that this approach does not work at all. All young birds of this species in childhood are practically not different from each other. If you pick up these motley lumps, then no matter how many of them you consider, there are no visible differences in them. How, then, to determine the sex of your pet, how long do you have to wait for the male to begin to differ from the female?

It turned out that still there is one sure sign by which they are distinguished. Above the beak of the wavy parrots formed a leather outgrowth, which is called a wax. In birds of different sex, it has a different shade. But in the first 40 days of their life, regardless of whether the male is your pet or female, it is painted in a light pink color. Therefore, to determine the sex of the chick at this age is capable only of a breeder with a huge experience. Only after the end of this childhood period the fringing takes a characteristic for each gender shade.

The wavy parrot male has a saturated blue vase, and the female is light beige, and therefore the question of how to distinguish sex in adult birds is solved quite simply. There are, of course, exceptions. In some cases, females of a corrugated parrot with a brown wax, and light blue are encountered. It happens that the shade of this build-up changes after the transferred stress, because birds have a delicate nervous system and very badly tolerate various non-standard situations. But over time, about a month or two or three, he will again acquire a characteristic color for the representative of his gender. Another exception is the male albino, in which the waxen can remain the brightest pink, as in childhood.

Other ways of determining the sex of undulating parrots

Lovers with experience can roughly determine the sex, eyeing the behavior of feathered pets. These birds have a real matriarchy, and the women themselves often behave quite militantly, arrange disagreements among themselves, try to bite the bars of the cage, the perch. But the males are more calm, they even sometimes prey on the enemy. It happens that they try to feed a soy girlfriend, regurgitating her food. The most obvious sign is the ability of females to bring testicles. In some cases, they do this even without the presence of a number of males, but it is clear that such eggs can not be fertilized. There is another scientific way to determine the sex of a wavy parrot. It is quite expensive and not every lover can afford - this is a DNA analysis. But still you will agree that it is easier for an ordinary person to wait for the time allotted by nature and to consider the color of the wax, which is very simple and much more economical for the family budget.