When do kittens change their teeth?

Just like people, cats are born without teeth. Over time, the babies begin to show their first teeth, which later begin to fall out .

The question of how and when the kittens change their milk teeth to permanent ones, worries many caring owners. After all, as is known, in humans this process is rather long, painful and restless. In this article you will find the answers to all these questions.

When do kittens change their baby teeth?

Two weeks after birth, the first teeth appear in the animal, a week later - fangs, and even later - molars. By the 3rd month the pet already has 26 milk teeth. However, he does not feel any discomfort.

When the kittens change their baby teeth, the baby feels a little different. On average this process occurs at the age of 4 to 7 months. It is difficult to say exactly, because everything depends on the characteristics of the animal's body. In total, a healthy kitten grows exactly 30 teeth. The first appear incisors (3-4 months), in 2-3 weeks - fangs, the very last cut through molar premolars and molars (in 4-6 months).

To notice when a kitten's teeth change, it's very easy on the symptoms. The fact that in the mouth of the pet changes occur is indicated by increased salivation and excitability even during eating or drinking. The animal is trying to gnaw everything that gets in sight. Also, the baby can lose appetite, weakness, lethargy, often, pain and irritation in the oral cavity.

At a time when the kittens are changing their milk teeth, a special toy with a rough surface helps to distract the pets from unpleasant sensations, preferably cooled in the freezer. With her help the baby can scratch and calm the irritated gums.

It is very important, when the kitten changes its teeth, to provide it with a proper diet rich in phosphorus and calcium. To do this, you can use mineral supplements or special lure.