Achilles pain - causes

Constant or periodic low back pain is familiar to many. The reasons for the painful sensations are many: from a long stay in a static posture and ending with really serious diseases. Let's try to understand the reasons for which the loin is very sore. After all, finding out the etiology of the disease is the key to a speedy recovery.

Causes of low back pain

To panic it is not necessary: ​​more often the pain in a loin does not bear threat of a life of the patient. Nevertheless, intensive sharp or dull aching painful sensations bring a lot of suffering, limit working capacity, interfere with the conduct of a full-fledged lifestyle.

The common reasons for which the loin hurts include physical factors:

The cause, because of which the loin hurts when sitting, are degenerative-dystrophic changes developing in the spine (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis). If the loin hurts in the morning, then the cause may be spondyloarthrosis, as a result of which the intervertebral joints lose mobility.

The reasons for which the lower back pain constantly, are:

Attention! It should be borne in mind that if the loin is very bad, the cause is sometimes the cancer of any organ (system) or the disturbance of metabolic processes in the body. For the purpose of diagnosis it is recommended to undergo a radiographic examination and myelography.

Pain in the lower back of women

Pain in the lumbar region during pregnancy is not uncommon. The reason is a rapid increase in body weight and a change in the load on the spine. In order to get rid of discomfort, doctors recommend wearing a special bandage starting from the fourth month of pregnancy. The device not only helps to eliminate pain syndrome, but also protects the future mother from the formation of stretch marks on the abdomen.

Drawing pains in the spine during menstruation knock out many women from the habitual rhythm of life. The emergence of pain in critical days, experts explain three reasons: