Monocytes are the norm

So it turned out that from the general school course of biology, many managed to remember only three basic components of the blood: red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. In fact, there are many more elements in the human blood that perform important functions. Of course, it is not necessary to know about all of them. Although, for example, information about the norm of monocytes in the blood will not be superfluous. The number of these blood cells is calculated for any analysis. Knowing how many monocytes are contained in the patient's blood, can we more objectively judge his overall health.

How many monocytes in the blood do women consider normal?

Monocytes are one of the classes of leukocytes. They are considered to be the largest cells of blood. Monocytes are produced in the bone marrow. After a couple of days of stay in the blood, the bodies move into the tissues of the body, turning into macrophages, - cells of the immune system, endowed with absorbing abilities. For the ability to phagocytore foreign cells, bodies, microorganisms and the results of their vital activity, monocytes and received a nickname - "janitors of the body."

The principle of "janitors" is very similar to neutrophils. The difference is that monocytes, being in the body in normal quantity, can absorb several times more potentially dangerous microorganisms and dead cells. In addition, the bodies perform their functions even in an environment with high acidity. It is thanks to monocytes that the body can feel protected from viruses, infections, parasites and tumors.

The norm of monocytes in the blood for different categories of patients is different. For women, the optimal number of corpuscles is 3-10% of the total number of leukocytes. That is, if in a blood test in the column "Monocytes" the patient sees a value ranging from 0.04 to 0.7 million / l, there should be no cause for concern.

The reasons why monocytes can be above the norm

The deviation of the level of monocytes from normal is an abnormal phenomenon, which indicates the presence of some problems in the body. Most often, the number of blood cells increases due to the effects of the virus or fungus. But there are also cases where an increase in the normal level of monocytes in the blood - a sign of one of these diseases:

Monocytes may increase as a result of a recent surgery. Usually, such consequences of the patient should be warned. Sometimes the change in blood composition indicates the presence of an autoimmune disease, for the determination of which a serious comprehensive examination will be required.

Because of what the level of monocytes falls below the norm?

The list of problems leading to a decrease in the number of monocytes in the blood looks as follows:

  1. The first disease to which suspicion may fall is aplastic anemia.
  2. The number of monocytes below normal in a blood test can be the result of shock or stress.
  3. Another reason is the exhaustion of the body.
  4. Similarly, pyogenic infections are manifested.
  5. Negative effects on the composition of blood intake of drugs such as prednisolone and its analogues.
  6. Both monocytosis and monocytopenia can sometimes be caused by a change in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

The most dangerous case is the complete disappearance of monocytes. This may indicate that the patient has either the heaviest form of leukemia, or sepsis - a blood poisoning, in which the body alone can not cope with toxins simply can not.