How to knock down the heat in a child at home?

When a person's body struggles with an ailment or tries to get rid of an infection, the temperature rises. If a newborn or a young child has even a slight increase in body temperature, this is a serious problem.

The most dangerous for children is fever, when the temperature reaches 38 ° C and above, and for newborns - more than 37.8 ° C. In addition, that the baby experiences severe malaise, anxiety and discomfort, fever can provoke complications - febrile convulsions. Therefore, the child's body temperature should be controlled and knocked down.

For parents, fever can cause anxiety, because they do not know how quickly to knock down the heat in a child at home. Consider the most effective ways to combat this condition.

The temperature of the child's body can be knocked down with the help of conventional paracetamol , the main non-prescription drug that is used as a priority medicine for temperature. But you can not give aspirin to babies, because it causes side effects. A question may arise whether paracetamol is equally effective for children in the form of a syrup or candles? Parents need to know that the absorption of the medicine from the rectum is slower than from the stomach, and in a smaller amount. The main thing in the fight against a fever is the speed of the onset of a positive effect. Therefore, if you need to urgently reduce the temperature, then you need to use a syrup. Candles are optimal when you need a long-term therapeutic effect, for example, bring down the temperature throughout the night.

Often parents give preference to folk remedies in the treatment of children. Below we will consider, than to bring down a heat in a child without medicines.

The help of traditional medicine with fever

The following tools will help to effectively and accurately reduce the temperature in a child and avoid the risk associated with taking medications.

  1. Abundant drink, preferably water. To avoid dehydration in small children, it is recommended to give a liquid that contains electrolytes, - salt water. In pharmacies you can buy solutions to restore the acid-base balance of the baby: Regidron, Hydrovit, Trigidron, Ringer-Locka solution, etc.
  2. Vinegar wipes (add 5-6 vinegar in warm water, moisten the sponge in the solution and wipe the baby's body: start from the back and abdomen, then switch to hands and feet, repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours).
  3. Reception of baths for 5-10 minutes (in water of a room temperature it is desirable to add a half-glass of vinegar).
  4. Wrapping (cotton towel soaked in yarrow infusion: 1-2 tablespoons of herbs to insist on a water bath for 15 minutes).
  5. Compress on the forehead (in a cool water should be added a little vinegar).
  6. Compress from potatoes (cut the tuber into slices and soak in vinegar for 10 minutes, apply on the forehead for 20 minutes).
  7. Compress from onions (cut the raw onions into slices, tie to the soles of the feet, put damp cotton socks on top, and on them - woolen, keep all night).
  8. Compress of mint (wet wipes moistened in mint broth, put the baby on the forehead, whiskey, wrists, inguinal folds, change every 10 minutes).
  9. Saline enema (in a glass of cold water dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt).
  10. Enema with broth chamomile (for one glass of water - 3-4 tablespoons of flowers to insist on a boiling bath for 15 minutes, cool, add sunflower oil in a 1: 1 ratio).
  11. Therapeutic drink of raisins (25 pieces of raisins grind and soak in half a glass of water, drain, add juice of half a lemon, drink twice a day).
  12. Medicinal drink from herbs (we recommend yarrow broths, twigs or passionflowers).

Thus, we examined how to knock down the national heat of the child. If you manage to overcome a fever, remember that the temperature is one of the symptoms. In any case, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to make the correct diagnosis and continue the treatment of the baby.

If you can not bring down the heat of the child, then the question - what to do? - The answer is unequivocal: it is urgent to call a doctor.