Symptoms of thrush in women

Vaginal candidiasis is the most thrush that delivers a lot of unpleasant moments to millions of women. Where does it come from and how do you independently recognize the symptoms of thrush in women? This you will learn in our today's material.

The causes of thrush in women

At the time of birth, the sterile organism of the baby begins to colonize millions of microbes living in the mother's body: useful and conditionally pathological microorganisms. All of them create the necessary balance of microflora for the normal formation of the immune system. But in some cases this balance may be disrupted, then "bad" bacteria, fungi or viruses make themselves felt by painful symptoms. The same happens with yeast-like candida fungi. They are the cause of thrush - hence the medical name of the disease. The reasons for the active propagation of candida fungi are somewhat:

Despite the fact that a man can be infected with a milkmaid during unprotected sex, this disease is not venereal. It is easy to treat. True, antifungal drugs will have to be taken by both sexual partners. Since the symptoms of male thrush do not manifest themselves so expressively, many men refuse to take the necessary treatment. This leads to a repeated infection of a woman even after the successful treatment of the disease.

The first signs of thrush in women

If the infection with candidiasis has occurred by contact, the disease may not appear immediately. The incubation period of thrush in women is from 2 to 5 days. To recognize thrush is easy on curdled discharge from the vagina. But the disease is accompanied by some more unpleasant symptoms:

To imagine what a thrush looks like in women, you can imagine pieces of cottage cheese of various sizes.

Consequences of thrush in women

Do not notice the thrush is impossible because of the discomfort created by the increased reproduction of yeast-like fungi. Also, inaction in the case of the development of the disease will be unthinkable. Symptoms of thrush in women can go away and without drug treatment, but the infection itself will continue to develop due to impaired vaginal microflora. Thus, there is a risk of transition of thrush to chronic form. Chronic thrush can become aggravated during normal hypothermia, make constant discomfort in a sexual life. Especially, urgent treatment requires thrush in pregnant women, because during the passage through the sexual paths the child runs the risk of getting a thrush of the oral mucosa and skin. In rare cases, infection with yeast-like mushrooms of the fetal brain occurs. Penetration of infection with umbilical cord injury can result in premature termination of pregnancy.

Another reason why the first symptoms of thrush should be referred to a doctor is the risk of more serious viral or bacterial diseases along with fungal infection. Often, the symptoms of thrush can hide and other diseases of the genital or urinary system, requiring both local and internal comprehensive treatment with antifungal drugs, as well as antibiotics.