How to increase women's hormones?

Because of the lack of female sex hormones in the body, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, women begin to worry about their health. To avoid problems associated with a deficiency of hormones, it is recommended that tests be performed on time . Plus, you should follow some recommendations for the normalization of the balance.

How to increase women's hormones?

  1. To begin with, eat balanced. In your diet, there should always be seasonal vegetables and fruits, meat, fish and seafood, cereals and cereals.
  2. Drink as much water as possible.
  3. Get yourself a good vitamin complex.
  4. Avoid situations that cause stress.
  5. Go in for sports. It does not matter what you choose: yoga or a gym, or just dancing. Physical activity "awakens" the ovaries, and they increase the production of sex hormones. And the figure will become much better.
  6. Let your lifestyle finally become healthy: forget about cigarettes and alcohol.

If you are interested in how to raise the level of female hormones with the help of folk remedies, you can choose a decoction of hop cones or a collection of linden and mint leaves.

If it is a question of such a female hormone as estrogen, only an expert should decide how to improve it. In case of self-treatment, there is a risk of earning a tumor.

If the test results show a lack of female hormones, do not panic. If the correct treatment regimen prescribed by a gynecologist is observed, after a couple of months the functions of the ovaries will return to normal.

Now you know with the basic principles how to increase the production of female hormones. If you have any further questions, please contact a specialist - only based on the collection of your history and related analyzes, you can give more specific recommendations.