Bladder Cancer - Survival

Among all cancer diseases, bladder cancer accounts for 5% of cases. Most often this disease affects the male half of the population, but women are often exposed to it.

The danger of bladder cancer is that at the initial stages of its development this type of tumor does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient learns of his illness when it is already in its heyday. Therefore, the predictions for this disease are determined by the stage of its development, the nature of the malignant neoplasm, the presence of metastasis, and when the treatment was started.

People who have encountered a tumor of this kind can not but care about the question of whether bladder cancer is treated, how to defeat it, and how many people live after the appropriate treatment.

Lifespan in bladder cancer

Based on the statistical data that were obtained for large patient samples, it was found that:

  1. Surface tumors of the bladder with a low degree of malignancy during the first year after therapy recur in 15% of cases, over the next five years - in 32% of cases. The probability of progression of such tumors is less than 1%, so we can say that this type of cancer does not affect life expectancy. Great importance in preventing relapses of bladder cancer of this type has a special diet, aimed at strengthening the vital forces and counteracting tumor growth.
  2. Superficial cancer of the bladder with a high degree of malignancy has a high probability of progression and relapse (61% of the recurrence of the neoplasm in the first year after treatment and 78% - 5 years after detection). Such tumors have a greater ability to penetrate deeper layers of the walls of the bladder. Since these malignant neoplasms are more aggressive, they have a negative effect on life expectancy.
  3. After radical cystectomy, the percentage of 5-year survival for different types of cancer is:
  • In the case of presence of metastases, even after chemotherapy, the survival rate of patients is rather low.
  • But, despite the data given, it is necessary to understand that each specific case of the disease and each patient is unique, and, therefore, the prognosis of the duration of his life can vary greatly with these average statistical values.