White dots on the nipples

In women, sometimes on the nipples may appear white dots around the nipples or on them. Most often these are ordinary acne eruptions. They can appear not only in adolescents, but also in adult women, while acne eruptions look like white or black dots on the nipples.

Because of what there are points on the nipples?

Like teenagers, white dots around the nipple and on them are associated with hormonal failures in the body. In addition to hormonal adjustment, the cause of acne can become microbial pathogens (staphylococcus, streptococcus), which cause purulent inflammation. These purulent pimples on the nipples look like white towering dots. Even if it is simple acne, diagnosis and treatment should be carried out by a specialist - mammologist.

Treatment of acne on the nipples

When there is a purulent inflammation on the nipples is not recommended to use promotional ointments, creams and lotions from cosmetics. Examination and treatment is carried out by a qualified doctor to avoid complications from such inflammation. Some women practice piercing such inflamed acne with a needle, and not always sufficiently sterile. You can not squeeze the very contents of the pimple. The course of treatment, which prescribes the doctor, must be carried out completely, and for the prevention of acne, a woman is recommended:

  1. Eat food that does not contain easily digested carbohydrates and fats, spicy food or rich in preservatives. Also, a doctor can recommend a blood test for the level of sugar, since purulent inflammatory skin diseases often occur with diabetes.
  2. Adhere to the rules of general hygiene, every day, wash the skin of the breast with soap, preferably tar.
  3. Do not wear linens made of synthetic fabrics, too close or irregularly cut.
  4. At home, you can use masks of scarlet or carrot juice on the nipple area.
  5. Take air baths for the nipples to enrich the skin with oxygen.

White dots in lactation

Dots on the nipples may appear during lactation due to clogging of the mammary glands with a clot of milk. This can cause not only lactostasis , but also lead to inflammation of the breast, so treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible. More often, the elimination of lactostasis is helped by the right expression of the breast. In case of inflammation, antibiotics may be prescribed, physiotherapeutic procedures, and with complication of mastitis, surgical intervention is possible.