How is the Trinity celebrated in Russia?

The Day of the Holy Trinity came to us in their Old Testament. In this connection, the question arises whether "the Trinity is celebrated in Russia", because Orthodoxy is based on the New Testament. Despite the Old Testament origin, Trinity is widely celebrated in Russia, and it is considered one of the most important religious holidays.

How to celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity in Russia?

Each year the holiday falls on different numbers, this is due to the fact that it is held on the fiftieth day after Easter. For example, in 2016 the holiday fell on June 19.

On this day, the churches hold liturgy and solemn service (central television often broadcasts from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior). It is also customary to recall the deceased relatives and friends. People believe that after the holiday nature really comes alive and a new life is born. Orthodox people do not work in the Trinity, and clergymen dress in green clothes - a symbol of a new life and flowering.

Traditions of the Day of the Holy Trinity are somewhat like the day of Ivan Kupala - the girls make fortune-telling on wreaths and let them through the water, all religious people collect flowers and herbs and come to their service, thereby sanctifying them. Later, such consecrated plants are used as a cure for diseases and evil eye.

Increasingly, the Trinity is also celebrated by non-religious people. This is due to the wide coverage of the holiday in the media and the events held. For example, almost in all cities of Russia there are fairs where farm products are sold, and performances by artists, most often in the open air. In large cities, even more events - you can participate in contests and dances, try original baked goods (tents put in places of folk festivals).

Another popularizing factor of this holiday is that this day is declared a day off. People gather with friends and relatives and can go to the dacha or picnic . On this summer day, you can relax once more - swim in the river (you could not swim earlier, because people believed that this day wake up evil, and some mermaid can drag into the underwater kingdom) and fry shish kebabs. But only work at the dacha is impossible, this will be a violation of church law.

The preserved tradition can be called harvesting brooms for a bath. Brooms must be necessarily birch, as previously it was believed that in Troitsyn day all plants acquire healing properties. The birch is simply a symbol of the holiday. There is even a saying "on the Trinity brooms are being built."

In addition to the prohibition of bathing, religious people do not engage in manual labor, do not embroider, erase, cut or plant plants, there are no weddings all week in the church (a good omen, however, an engagement for the Trinity is considered). If the rain begins in the Trinity, it is considered that this means a good harvest and no frost.

As we see, the Trinity in our time has really taken root in Russia, many even non-Orthodox people take part in its celebration. In 2016 an exhibition was opened in Moscow in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior dedicated to the Trinity and there was a multimedia concert called to tell the story of the holiday and its traditions. Attending these events was not free, however, all the days the hall was full. In the center of the city was the festival "Our Product", where everyone could consecrate birch branches and take part in a folk music concert. Part of this festival was the fair "ABC of Crafts", it was possible to learn everything about the ancient Russian crafts and buy favorite items.