What does the right ear scratch?

For more than one century, word-of-mouth people have passed on various signs to each other. Thanks to them in ancient times it was possible to learn, for example, about the weather, the approaching dangers, etc. Although there is no scientific confirmation of the veracity of superstition, many people are convinced by their own experience of their actions. It's all about faith, which is an important part of any magical act. Many have encountered a situation in which there is a sharp itching in different parts of the body. Having understood what the ears are all about, you can learn some events of the near future. You can use the signs only if you exclude the justified causes of itching, for example, a large accumulation of sulfur, otitis and other diseases.

What does the right ear scratch?

Most often this sign means getting news. Since the conversation is about the right side, namely the angel behind it, the news will have a positive character. News can relate to both personal sphere, and work or social life. The sign that the right ear is itching can still portend a conversation. The conversation will be quite tense, because another person will try to explain something or justify themselves.

Depending on the period at which the person was born a sign, why the right ear burns and itches, can have a different interpretation. For people born in the warm season, the itch in the ear area promises warming, and if the birthday is in the winter, it will be cold. There is another variant of the interpretation, according to which the itch in the right ear region promises large and unforeseen expenses, which can negatively affect the material condition, in general.

The meaning of superstition, depending on where it itches:

  1. A sign, why it itches the right ear inside, means receiving unexpected news. The stronger the itch, the more interesting will be the news.
  2. If the ear lobe is scratched badly - this is a bad sign, indicating the approach of a serious conflict. It is important that it is you who provoke the disassembly. There is another interesting interpretation of the omens, why the right ear is scratched. Itching may foreshadow the replenishment of the family in close friends.
  3. There is another interpretation that differs from the previous variants in explaining what it means when it itches in the right ear. Many people believe that the itch notifies that at the moment someone is discussing, and says untruth. Our ancestors believed that if you lick your finger and hold it in your ear, then the gossips will immediately stop.

In ancient times, people believed that if the ears began to scratch quickly, it means that soon it will rain.

Other signs associated with the ears

If the ears are burning - this is a symbol of what is being said about people at this moment, but do not worry, the conversation goes on without exaggeration and insults. There is a sign explaining the presence of ringing in the ears. If a person hears a noise in the right ear, then you can expect good news, and if in the left, then the bad news.

Many interesting things about a person can tell the shape of the ears. If their upper part is above the eyebrows, then, in front of you is an intellectually developed person. A person whose upper part of the ear does not even reach the eyes does not have a high mind. Owners of large ears have the ability to achieve success in life. If the ears are very large, and they have an irregular shape, the person is evil and often shows obstinacy. People with small ears are slow-witted. Individuals with pointed ears, often compared with demons, which is not surprising, because they are too aggressive and stubborn. A person who has a long earlobe is spiritual and wise. If it is bent upwards, then in life there will be success.