Why does the clock stop when a person dies?

The fact that the clock stops when a person dies is not news, and that's why it happens, remains a mystery. Of course, at first the explanation for this phenomenon was connected with the other world, but more recently, physicists have decided to express their opinion.

Why does the clock stop after the death of a person?

Phenomena and things related to the state, when the soul leaves the body, there are many. The existence of the afterlife has not yet been proved, but most people believe that the human soul is immortal and can influence objects, people, etc. Psychics in their practice often encountered the arrival of the souls of the deceased to their relatives, the latter claiming that they felt the presence of a close person, heard a noise, a roar, and some even felt a hug. Therefore, when asked why the clock on the hand stops, the parapsychologists answer that the watch's mechanism is very thin, which makes it possible for the device to "feel" the death of the host and to die with the last blow of his heart.

Some sorcerers and magicians claim that during the release of the soul, a huge stream of psychic energy is released from the body, which affects mechanics and electronics. Perhaps it's all about the energy field that affects the clock . After all, the world knows cases when people with paranormal powers with the power of thought made the clock stop or go again. But physicists have a different opinion.

Why does the clock stop with death?

If a deceased person wore a watch for an extended period of time and rarely took them off, they become part of the owner's electromagnetic field. In such an electromagnetic circuit, they play the role of a part designed to reduce the electrical stress. Workers of the electronics industry call it a stub or terminator. It is the center of concentration all the energy of the human body, especially if the watch case is made of metal, and the strap is made of iron or leather. Wristwatches are constantly fueled by the energy of a person, and during his death, having lost recharging, stop, and now it is clear why.

This fact finds more than one historical confirmation. Thus, during the execution of Mussolini all the clocks in the building ceased to go, and during the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the US president, his own hours stopped. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised at, recently they have recorded cases of calls of deceased people to their relatives' mobile, but this is a mystery.