Relaxing day on green tea

Everyone has heard about the benefits of unloading days, this is an effective way to cleanse the body, and at the same time to lose weight in a short time. They can be arranged only one, at most twice a week, but preferably on the same days of the week (for example, Tuesday and Friday), so that the body is accustomed to this schedule. There are many types of unloading days, it is not necessary to drink during the day only water and nothing more. We will tell you what a greenhouse tea unloading day is, how useful it is, and how to organize it properly.

Chinese fasting day

Green tea is famous for its medicinal properties. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, lowers blood pressure, tones up and improves digestion. It helps to rid the body of excess fluid, but do not get too involved in it.

A prerequisite for any diet is attention to your sensations. If you feel discomfort, it is advisable to change the diet or replace green tea with black tea. In large quantities, green tea can cause nausea and dizziness, so it is necessary to drink ordinary clean water during the day, about 1.5-2.5 liters per day.

It is best to take tea not in bags, but by weight, and give preference to large leaf green tea. Brew it preferably in approximately the following proportions: 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water. On average, during the day, it is recommended to drink about 1.5 liters of the prepared drink. Having tried this option, you will quickly understand if helping to lose weight days. On average, you will lose one kilogram per day (if, of course, you do not weigh 50 kg).

How to arrange a fasting day?

During the day you will have to give up other foods, but you can afford a small amount of dried fruits. You can also pamper yourself with milk. Tea, brewed with milk, has a pleasant taste and is more nutritious, due to which the feeling of hunger softens. In addition, the milk neutralizes the caffeine present in the tea.

Nuance: if you decide to diversify your day off for tea, buy low-fat diet milk.

To make tea with milk, you must brew it first in the usual way, and then mix with milk in a 1: 1 ratio. You can drink it both hot and cold, depending on your preferences.

Drink a mug of tea every 2-3 hours, then the feeling of hunger will be blunted. Do not forget about the intake of ordinary pure or non-carbonated mineral water.

Unloading days for body cleansing

In this case, you lose weight not only by burning excess fat, but by removing excess liquid and slag from the body. Drinking unloading day helps to cleanse the intestines and get rid of all that is superfluous. As a result, you will not only be pleased with the figure on the scales, but after several discharges the skin color will improve, problems in the form of acne and acne will disappear, sleep will improve. You will feel a rush of energy, a good mood throughout the day.

Of course, you do not need to arrange for yourself a days off if you feel bad during them, or you feel that a day without carbohydrates, which nourish the brain, affects your mental abilities. In this case, it is better to try the unloading option on cereals or fruits. With any other ailments, it is also worth giving up a day of unloading on green tea.