Diet of Laima Vaikule

Forever young and energetic singer Laima Vaikule is known not only for her pure voice, but also for her beautiful figure, which allows her to look much younger than her years. As the singer herself admits, her secret is that she often suits herself a diet, in addition to the fact that she generally practices an optimal diet. A miniature artist weighs only 47 kilograms - after all, whenever the arrow of scales creeps up, Laima switches to the optimal diet for weight reduction, developed personally by her.

Diet of Laima Vaikule: express method

As the actress admits, whenever she sees that she has begun to recover, she suits herself a two-three-day wet starvation: that is, she refuses food and switches to water, freshly squeezed juices and tea without sugar. In the course of this, the organism detoxifies: all toxins and toxins leave the body, and the body is much more receptive to the subsequent diet, if it is still required.

Of course, this is by no means an optimal diet, and you will not be able to lose a lot of excess weight in 2-3 days. This technique is suitable for those cases when you recently gained a few pounds and want to get rid of them. However, this method yields results that will not last long unless you switch to the right diet or a longer and more balanced diet. Prolong starvation is strictly prohibited - it can be done only under the supervision of a doctor and not every person.

Diet Laima Vaikule for nine days

Actually Vaikule diet is designed for nine days, for which you can lose 3-4 kilograms, depending on how much you have excess weight. Laima herself told in interviews that she personally added four kilograms for her - that's a lot, and to lose this quantity with a small weight is quite difficult: it's practically 10% of the total body weight! A person who weighs 100 kg, lose the same number of kilos is much easier, because for him it is less than 5% of the weight.

The entire system of slimming singer is based on the fact that for the 9 days allocated for weight loss you need to consistently go through three cycles, during which the food system will be slightly different. In each of the periods you will be allowed to eat only one kind of product. At its core, the diet of Laima Vaikule is a mono-diet complex. This gives fast weight loss, but the body will not receive all the necessary minerals and trace elements. It is strongly recommended to take a vitamin and mineral complex during the whole time of such a diet!

So, consider the menu:

  1. The period from the first day to the third day inclusive . At this time it is allowed to eat exclusively boiled rice. At the same time, white rice is strictly forbidden - it provokes constipation, since it is completely devoid of fiber due to repeated cleaning. It is recommended to use only brown or wild black rice, in which all the necessary elements are stored. Laima Vaikule prefers brown rice, which she eats without salt and butter with aromatic herbs or soy sauce. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. The period from the fourth to the sixth day inclusive . This period is very difficult for creative people and people of mental work, since it is prescribed to use only pure protein - boiled chicken breast. Variety of her taste can only be herbs and soy sauce.
  3. The period from the seventh to the ninth day inclusive . Compared to what has already been passed by you, this period is the simplest. In it you can unlimitedly eat apples of any sort.

Do not forget that for the correct metabolism the body needs a large amount of fluid. For half an hour before each meal, be sure to drink a glass of water and make sure that its total amount is not less than two liters per day.