Milk diet

Many women, trying to lose weight, use all possible ways for this. In the modern world there is a huge number of a wide variety of diets. Diets on vegetables, fruits, fish, kefir, starvation - every woman can choose for themselves a convenient way to lose weight. But, unfortunately, only a few representatives of the fair sex care about their own health, exhausting themselves with long-term diets. The diet allows you to get rid of excess inches at the waist, but at the same time, deprives the body of many useful substances. Therefore, when choosing a diet, one should be guided not only by its effectiveness, but also by the benefits that they bring to our body.

Milk diet is considered a highly effective way to combat excess weight. But its main advantage is harmlessness. The disadvantage of a diet on dairy products is its severity, because, as a rule, dairy products do not give long-lasting satiety, so the feeling of hunger is an integral part of a diary diet. Also, this diet is not suitable for those who do not tolerate milk and sour-milk products.

Useful properties of milk

It is known that milk is useful for adults and children. Dairy products supply calcium, protein, various vitamins to the human body and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Milk has practically no contraindications, except for a rare allergy. Diet on milk and milk fungus normalizes digestion, metabolism and gastric motility. Milk has a rejuvenating effect for the skin and improves the complexion. To positive reviews about the milk diet, also, is a noticeable improvement in the structure of hair and nails.

The most popular diets

1. Fruit and milk diet. At the heart of the diet are fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka and cottage cheese. The break between meals during the diet is 2-3 hours. Dairy products should alternate with any fruit. The diet is designed for 7 days and allows you to get rid of 6-8 kilograms of excess weight.

A variety of fruit and milk diet are: mango-milk and milk-banana diets. These diets allow the use of only bananas and mangoes in addition to sour-milk products.

2. Sour-milk diet. This diet is designed for a week. During this time, four times a day to eat 100 grams of cottage cheese. In cottage cheese it is allowed to add honey, fruits and berries. In the morning and in the evening one should drink a glass of kefir or any other fermented milk product.

3. Milk and vegetable diet. The principle of diet is similar to the previous two variants. Together with dairy products you should eat food of vegetable origin - vegetable and fruit salads, cheese. This diet has the most positive effect on the work of the intestines.

4. Milk and kefir diet. For seven days before each meal, you should drink a glass of milk or kefir. From the diet should be excluded meat, fish, flour products and sweets.

Milk diet is an excellent anti-fat remedy in the abdominal area. But it should be remembered that excess weight appears due to excessive nutrition and low mobility, so any diet should be combined with physical exertion. One of the important rules of a dairy diet is the refusal of alcohol - even a single intake of alcohol can ruin a week's work. Only seven days of the milk diet can get rid of excess weight, normalize the digestive system and improve the overall condition of the body.