Unpleasant sensations in the urethra

Unpleasant sensations in the urethra are a common problem, which, depending on the reasons, can be both temporary and permanent. Often, patients, speaking of discomfort in the urethra, imply a slight or severe burning sensation, a dysuric phenomenon, a pain syndrome during urination or in the usual state.

For a qualified specialist, the exact detail of the discomfort in the urethra appears to play an important role in establishing the correct diagnosis, because in addition to the usual urethritis, this symptomatology can indicate a whole list of diseases. Let us consider in more detail what the unpleasant sensations in the urethra can tell.

When does the urethra hurt?

If a woman repeatedly notes that her urethra is hurting during urination or sexual arousal, pus from the urethra is secreted, in most cases this indicates an inflammatory process. This disease is called urethritis and is provoked mainly by infectious agents that get into the urethra. Often there are pains in the urethra when:

In addition, urethritis can have a nonspecific origin, in this case, agents of the opportunistic microflora become the agents of the inflammatory process.

In addition to pain, women with urethritis of various etiologies note that their urethra is baking and itching.

The cause of sharp, sudden pain in the process of urination, may be urolithiasis or the presence of a tumor. It is also characterized by interruption of urine output.

Burning in the urethra

Separate cases are considered when patients complain of a burning urethra. This unpleasant sensation can be the result of many reasons:

  1. Manifestation of an individual allergic reaction of the body to the components of personal hygiene, detergent and other chemicals. More often with such troubles women face, whose organism is susceptible to allergic reactions. To eliminate burning, it is necessary to replace used synthetic detergents, which could cause burning.
  2. Irritation of the urethra in women often occurs as a result of trauma, obtained during sexual intercourse or from the ingress of yeast-like fungi from a partner in the vicinity.
  3. The most common cause of burning in the urethra among the female population is cystitis and urethritis. Supplement the clinical picture of inflammation of the bladder, frequent urination , pain, an admixture of blood in the urine and general malaise. Cystitis requires timely medical attention, otherwise it becomes chronic, which greatly aggravates the condition of the patient.
  4. Do not forget that the cause of itching and burning can become venereal infectious diseases. Such as, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and sometimes this symptomatology is the only manifestation of the disease.
  5. To provoke a burning sensation can also alcoholic drinks, medicines, coffee, tea, etc.

Obviously, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the urethra is a good reason to turn to an experienced specialist. After the examination of the pelvic organs and the delivery of the tests, the doctor will establish a more accurate cause of discomfort and prescribe adequate treatment.